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Theo becomes a vampire
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"Hmm, yeah, neutralizing is a good thing to think of. You said the sun burns you but doesn't damage you, so not that. I don't think I wanna test other typical neutralization methods like beheading or staking."


"No, I'm not particularly a fan of those ideas either. And I have no current idea how to make more vampires except for trying to guess from fiction, if I even want to which we don't yet totally know since we don't know how well I'll cope long-term and stuff, maybe overall it will be worse and I'll just expire in a month or something, and I have no idea how I even got to be one."


"Oh, right, yeah, that. No memories of being bitten by anything or fed blood or whatever?"


"Nope. Maybe vampires can do it from a distance or maybe they can alter memories or maybe I'm literally the first one for some messed up reason, I don't know. Presumably you didn't catch shapeshifting so maybe it's just some people are mysteriously magical."


"...yeah, actually, I got it when I was very small. My father was really upset."


"… Did you catch it from somebody, though? I mean, you might have without knowing, I guess, but I mean – do you know you caught it from someone?"


"I do not know that I caught shapeshifting from anyone, no."


"Okay, well, sample size of two isn't actually that helpful unfortunately anyway. And you don't conveniently know anybody else with a magical thing, I suppose."


"Nope, I never lied even when I was banking on my magic messing with your head and making you not believe me."


"I mean, I'm not sure how much it actually messed with my head – it's not like people usually get magic, so that's really not a good explanation to have for 'someone manages to change quite dramatically physically' – something like 'is really good with makeup' is probably a lot more plausible." Shrug. "If it had happened right in front of me, maybe?"


"It did, a few times, actually."


"… Huh. Really?"


"Yeah. Subtler things, though, especially eye color."


"What, do you feel more like being blue-eyed some days and brown-eyed others?"


"No, but my eyes change color to reflect my mood. Skin sometimes, too. I was basically all white when you died."


"That's– um, kinda weird and I'm sorry that it was that bad for you?"


" wouldn't it?"


"Be that bad, you mean?" Shrug. "I don't know, I was just– some random student at some new school you'd moved to like three weeks ago."


"A month and a week, actually, and I get broken up about any deaths, and deaths this close to me are particularly terrible."


He nods. "Well, I'll try not to die again. Not that I was really expecting it the first time."


"I appreciate it."


Small smile.


"So, vampires invariably have fast healing in fiction."


"Yeah. So I should probably try stabbing myself – not burning, that sounds like a terrible idea – and seeing how long it takes to heal! Woo."

Sharp knife? Presumably. A less sharp knife will likely not cut him properly.

… Unless Sadde has objections.


Sadde is a bit queasy about cutting Theo but yeah that's what he's thought too.

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