Theo's just bitten into an apple when he feels the summons, so he doesn't stop to put it down before accepting. He can get rid of it later if necessary.
Luckily, so he thinks, he gets to the summons before anyone else.
Theo's just bitten into an apple when he feels the summons, so he doesn't stop to put it down before accepting. He can get rid of it later if necessary.
Luckily, so he thinks, he gets to the summons before anyone else.
That's good! Kaede's got experience but not nearly as much as Theo does, naturally, so he's glad Theo appreciates it.
Now what if he puts a hand against Theo's chest and gently pushes him bedwards...?
Then bedward Theo will go, bringing Kaede to lie on top of him.
This does not impede kissing.
Oh no it very much does not, kissing will continue occurring.
Speaking of occurring, it occurs to Kaede Theo's wearing a shirt and he isn't, and this sounds like a horribly lopsided state of affairs.
Removing it is loads of fun.
On the other hand, disappearing it is faster.
Well in that case.
Kaede slips his hands under Theo's shirt and starts pulling it up. His head accompanies this movement, and his lips start trailing up his stomach and chest as more of them is revealed.
Well, someone is rather good at this, aren't they.
Then Theo's top is off. It seems like he does in fact enjoy being stripped.
That's good! Because now Kaede's nibbling on Theo's jaw and undoing his trousers.
Oh, now, this just seems unfair. Theo is having far too much fun.
Apparently he likes his jaw being nibbled on.
How about his neck? Does he like having his neck nibbled on?
(Oh look Kaede has successfully undone Theo's trousers. Bye, Theo's trousers.)
He does. He does like his neck being nibbled on. And now Theo is left in just boxers, how neat.
It's very neat! So one of Kaede's hands can become quite busy with that while he kisses Theo and runs the other hand through the angel's hair.
And now Theo's boxers have become much less useful, what with the way Kaede got them out of the way.
And now it's Kaede's turn to be pushed over, and for Theo to be on top.
How does he like his jaw being nibbled on?
Oh that's good, that is definitely a good response.
Theo will do that for a few moments and then he'll try nibbling on Kaede's neck – does that go over similarly?
Noises are a wonderful response. They help one know exactly where is better for nibbling, and precisely what activities might be more appreciated, and then Theo decides that Kaede also does not need clothes.
Are they relatively easy to remove?
Kaede's wearing only a pair of low-hung trousers, sandals, and some bracelets and anklets. Pretty easy to remove, really.
Nibbling! "Oh, Theo—" he breathes, running his fingernails against Theo's back, fingers through his hair.