Theo's just bitten into an apple when he feels the summons, so he doesn't stop to put it down before accepting. He can get rid of it later if necessary.
Luckily, so he thinks, he gets to the summons before anyone else.
"History of homophobia in my world, people are idiots, it's mostly been straightened out for a while at this stage." Shrug. "It is somewhat but maybe not entirely related to the predominant religions, which have-slash-had a relatively strong emphasis on 'sex is for procreation'."
"Er, no, we have a general cultural thing against having too many children, actually, what with Sin attacking large population centres. Homosexuality is pretty okay. I am, however, very very bisexual."
"If you're fine with that then it doesn't matter, but– triple you." Headtilt. "Ish."
"I mean, I've been busy over my years," says Theo. "Taking summons, going to school, that sort of thing."
"Well, I'm not particularly tired right now, so you could tell me them in your room."
"I could," he agrees. "And you know, I don't actually get all that tired if I don't want to, so– it's mostly up to you how far it goes."
"Hmm, I do get tired so I might have to ask for a raincheck on some of those stories." He produces a key and opens the door.
"Oh, that's nice, then we shan't be bored," he says, locking the door behind them and taking a seat on the edge of queen size bed.
Oh, how neat. Theo takes a seat too.
"Well we have a variety of activities if I turn out not to be a thrilling storyteller."
"We-ell, I'm again still not sure on the details of the local culture." He pauses and looks at Kaede's lips. "But we have a thing called kissing."