Theo's just bitten into an apple when he feels the summons, so he doesn't stop to put it down before accepting. He can get rid of it later if necessary.
Luckily, so he thinks, he gets to the summons before anyone else.
"It's not like a fiend in any respect that it's not also like humans or animals. Yevon taught us how to stop it temporarily, and how to stop it permanently, and where it's come from."
"So it presumably doesn't drop spheres? And it– is made of pyreflies because it's magic, but so are people in terms of souls or whatever, and when you say where it came from– where did it come from?"
Pause. "Okay, I'm just gonna check I get a response, confirm that I am assuming correctly here, it doesn't drop spheres, does it? Does it release a pyrefly soul thing, does it do some weird special effects when it dies?"
"Spheres can appear even where no fiends die, like on the Moonflow. Sin's pyreflies may well become spheres, but the fight destroys too much to be sure. It does release pyreflies, a very large amount of them."
"It's a place where lots of pyreflies accumulate. No one knows why there, but there they are."
"Are there other places like that? Are pyreflies just, generally around, higher density in different places?"
"Yes, to both questions. Places where great or terrible things happened, places where many people have died, or just very magical places."
"Can you artificially condense the pyreflies into spheres, or is that too technological? – And what's up with spherecorders, are those not too technological somehow?"
"Do you have any idea how they, um, know this sort of thing? Do they 'have the word of Yevon himself' or something for their system? Do they publish guidelines on what counts and what doesn't?"
"Machina they allow doesn't get attacked by Sin. Machina they don't does. It seems safe to say they probably know what they're saying, even if we don't know how."
"I'm kinda confused how you can know that in great detail, because if they disallow it and people don't use it, you can't really tell if it was actually an issue or not, and if they allow it and you do use it presumably it's only one type of technology and might not be used widely enough to tell, especially if there are Al Bhed going around and contaminating the results?"
"I mean, if you have a high population of Al Bhed in a town and they're all using technology, you can't work out whether other technology the town is using will attract Sin because the Al Bhed might be the ones doing it? You aren't controlling the factors that might cause it, you can't say for sure or even as an educated guess really which factors cause it if they're like that, and– did you guys lose science because you dropped most technology?"
"Maybe we can't know for sure, no, but why would 'people and societies that use certain kinds of machina invariably get attacked' not serve for an educated guess?"
"No, you can work out that 'approximately technology' causes it, but the actual specific types of technology it dislikes, what Yevon apparently knows somehow, they could probably get it mostly through fluke or by having reduced technology levels in general with bans? There's not, like, anything I'm telling you to do differently, I'm just saying that 'Yevon is clearly right because they've been right about types of technology' doesn't seem to actually follow from this?"
"I agree that not for sure but I don't know what standards for 'educated guess' you're using here that don't admit 'a thousand years of being attacked by Sin whenever certain types of machina are developed' as evidence that these types of machina shouldn't be used."
"So, certain types of machina are developed, Yevon says 'Sin will attack, get rid of it', then what, they don't get rid of it and they get attacked?"
"And what sorts of technology have they allowed and what haven't they? Have they ever been wrong, did they give an explanation for it if so?"
"Mass transportation, large-scale weapons, anything that allows a city to grow more than, like, Luca or Bevelle. They haven't been wrong in recorded history."