Theo's just bitten into an apple when he feels the summons, so he doesn't stop to put it down before accepting. He can get rid of it later if necessary.
Luckily, so he thinks, he gets to the summons before anyone else.
"To be honest, at this stage I think I opt to ignore any vague and dire messages he gives if they don't contain any information to help us, because I don't think I can derive anything helpful from what he's given me, at least."
"I'm half-concerned it might be an infohazard but..." Shrug. "Anyway, what are your plans?"
"Follow you for a bit? I have some more money – not as much as you said, but I don't know if that's your realistic estimation of how much the spheres would cost or if that's 'it'd be convenient to have this much' figure or what." Shrug. "If there are convenient things I can do in the meantime, like helping with construction and actually getting paid for it or something, then I'll probably do that."
"If Mr. legendary guardian told us things about the Final Summoning and Sin and what-have-you we might have better direct uses for your powers..."
"Or it might be that in order to have a chance of killing Sin, you have to have hope because some magic is stupid, and he's just being bitter about not having hope and is trying not to make us lose ours. Or something. Either way I'm not sure we're going to get anything other than him being more pissed off by dwelling on that fact he's being unhelpful from our point of view."
Theo shrugs, again, then says, "Cool statue."
He turns to Auron. "Got any idea how my powers could be used to be helpful here, or any other useful input you might actually give us? I explained them to you, right, quite a good ability to transform things into other things, clarifying details available on request?"
"Correct! Can't apply it directly to them, but as observed back in the stadium I can do things like exploit elemental weaknesses and make the environment around them inhospitable. So. Yeah, I need to read up on those."
Onwards they go!
And a few metres ahead a wolf thing, a mossy rock thing, and a four-eyed lizard the size of a small pony jump in front of them, coming from the tall grass to either side of the Highroad.
What if Theo makes the ground beneath them kinda liquidy? That sounds like fun. Might be hard for them to get out of. He hasn't tried this before.
He can solidify it when they're in it? And make it into something probably stronger like iron or– uh, diamond? It won't be instantaneous, though.
Not instantaneous, but fast enough that all Auron and Tidus have to do is slash them a few times from behind before they dissolve into pyreflies.
"Mm," he responds, looking at the scene.
Unconventional applications of angel magic, woo! Or maybe they're conventional overall but just not for him.
"All of it? You told me there are billions of people—what must that be like?—and four other worlds and people stay whole when they die, I can't even imagine..."