Theo's just bitten into an apple when he feels the summons, so he doesn't stop to put it down before accepting. He can get rid of it later if necessary.
Luckily, so he thinks, he gets to the summons before anyone else.
Sure. That's not particularly difficult. Look at all these lovely combinations and by any chance are there any specific things they might be looking to buy that he should come back with next time? Or, you know, in a few minutes?
Oh well. He'll just present them with stuff and get presumably reasonable prices (slightly sanity-checked by other prices on display and such).
He can also go elsewhere! Look at all these other vendors, and the fact he has wings…! He can go fly elsewhere. Or wait for another day.
There's no major hurry.
No idea. None whatsoever.
Nice dealing with you, he'll probably be back at some point.
When he arrives there they seem to be in the middle of something, given the way Kaede is glaring at Auron and Lulu is looking frustrated.
Oh, fun! He'll land a few meters away from them and scrutinize them.
Are they bickering over something stupid. He, for some reason, seems to think they will be.
They don't seem to be bickering, per se, given how they're not saying anything to each other.
When Theo arrives Kaede tells Auron: "You can feel free to come with us, I'm not gonna stop you, but I am not making you my guardian." To Tidus: "You're fine." To Theo: "You too." To Lulu: "Let's go."
And up the stairs he goes.
Wakka on the other hand: "I'm sorry about that, sir, I'm sure he'll come around," he tells Auron.
Theo follows Kaede and– "What was that about making Auron your guardian? Or did I misunderstand."
"Sir legendary guardian over there has made some unspecified promise—how did I guess that—about becoming my guardian, and expected I'd just be honoured to have him, just like that, without telling me anything about my father, Tidus's, the Final Summoning, or how on Spira he got to Tidus's Zanarkand. I was very put out by this."
Theo looks behind at him, then back to Kaede. "And did he specifically say he wouldn't tell you anything or just avoid the question or give a reason for not saying anything or what?"
"You'd learn– what, why other Zanarkand is weird and different from this Zanarkand and how to get there?" Theo pauses and turns to look at Auron. "Not ready in what way? Not emotionally prepared enough, needs to go through some weird ritual before you think he's ready, needs to be at least twenty-three?"
"In what way will I 'see soon enough'? Me specifically, not the others? Is there some particular event that you don't care to divulge that will enable me to understand all the missing details of this conversation flawlessly?"