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Theo and Sadde in Spira
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Are there still spectators around or have they mostly cleared out?


Mostly cleared out!


This whole thing was pretty weird. Theo's not sure he can be of any help right now.


Then: "Hello, folks!" Bobba's voice blares from the speakers. "That sure was a scare, wasn't it, Jimma?"

"Sure was, Bobba. We should all be very thankful Maester Seymour was there."


Yay, the commentators are back.

Presumably there is stuff around that's destroyed. Theo can get to helping with that.


Not a lot of it actually? But some.

"But the game did end, and the Aurochs won!" Bobba announces. "And the ceremony will happen in the theatre."

"Really exciting, Bobba."

"Yevon, these guys get on my nerves," Kaede says.


Yeah. Little bit.

Theo will clean up what he can of what there is, then, and return to the others to presumably go on to the ceremony in the theater.


There is quite a crowd making its way there, but when they realise Wakka and the Aurochs are, well, Wakka and the Aurochs, they start cheering and opening the way.

And soon they reach the theatre.



Theo will just go wherever Kaede goes, seeing as how Theo is not really Wakka nor an Auroch.


Well Kaede is going with Wakka at first because, why not use this privilege his friend is getting? But when they reach the theatre they have to take one of the seats while the Aurochs make their way to the circular stage in the middle where Maesters Mika and Seymour as well as two men who are probably Bobba and Jimma are sitting at a long desk with a metre-and-a-half tall glass trophy.


Theo will watch the ceremony patiently.


Once everyone's arrived, the ceremony is short and sweet. Mika and Seymour congratulate all the teams, and hand Wakka his trophy, and everyone applauds and cheers.

The Yevon delegation is the first to depart, followed by everyone else, though Wakka stays behind to say goodbye to his team while the rest of the party continues on to the northern stairs out of the city.


Tidus and Auron: still missing?



"Say, how much money did you make earlier today?"


He– doesn't actually remember but he can count it up and report it, appended with, "I wasn't actually aiming for much, though."


He whistles nonetheless.

"That's a fair amount. But not enough to buy us special spheres, I think."


"This took, like, fifteen minutes mainly because I was looking for who might buy some and not being clear over whether gem sales were allowed and such." Shrug. "I expect to be able to get more quite easily."


"That'd be pretty great. Do you think you could make more before Wakka, Tidus, Auron show up?"


"Make more money? Should be able to, yeah, but I'm not sure how much I'm aiming for."


"About a hundred or a thousand times as much."


Theo raises an eyebrow. "Sure, I can try that, but I might need to go to different vendors and I don't know how long Auron will be away for. See you in a bit?"


"Sure. Lu can send up a flare when they arrive?"


Lulu... does not object to this, apparently.


"Back in a bit."

And off he flies. The market isn't too far, he can get there pretty quickly, and he'll make some of the gems that seem to be on sale and also do some more gold, since that worked well before!

Anybody interested in buying? He hopes so.


Yep, especially if he can actually make the jewellery instead of just its component parts.

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