Theo's just bitten into an apple when he feels the summons, so he doesn't stop to put it down before accepting. He can get rid of it later if necessary.
Luckily, so he thinks, he gets to the summons before anyone else.
Shrug. "You haven't died of boredom being around here, presumably because you have things to do, and I doubt you're gonna die of boredom when everything's over, so even if you were to become a daeva I think you could probably make up some things to do."
"I wouldn't literally die of boredom, I just—like having meaningful work to do. After we're done with Sin I have—" He glances at Lulu. "—lots of other things to do."
"You also wouldn't be able to literally die of boredom, perks or less-so-perks of being a daeva, but yeah, meaningful work is preferable and not often to come by. That's part of why I want to stay here."
"Then you'd get the perks of being able to– do one of the daeva things, and you'd have the convenient indestructibility and presumably still be able to do magic, yup."
"No, you could be any of the three." Pause. "I hope you don't turn out to be a Maker."
"I don't actually know how it's picked? I haven't met many ex-summoners and I haven't met any Mover or Maker ex-summoners to my knowledge, so," he shrugs. "As to the Maker thing – because you seem like you're not a terrible person and so if you went and lived in a society that seems to include at the very least a disproportionately high number of terrible people? That wouldn't be particularly fun."
"I wouldn't really care about demonic society since I'd be answering summons all the time anyway. And, like, how do you even know Makers are disproportionately terrible, you said you hadn't met any."
"Got summoned, they were summoned at the same time, by the same person or in the same area."
"Request someone's soul in return for producing some medical technology." Pause. "Except, you know, not really request so much as nod-or-shake their head according to the questions of the summoner."
"So the summoner asked the Maker, who could not talk or express preferences, whether they would like to trade medical technology for the summoner's soul, which according to you the Maker cannot really take. Which means the Maker actually gave the summoner the technology for free."
"No, they asked if they'd like to do it for a list of books, and then when that was a no they tried a bunch of other lists of books, and then suggested some music and some other things and then finally asked if the Maker would only do it for their soul or some carnal activity or whatever and the Maker, being extremely menacing in general because a gag doesn't stop them from giving off body language like that, nodded their head that that was in fact what they wanted and the summoner got rid of them and looked for someone else."
"Yes, and that Maker just walked around doing it quite passively other than glaring at me a few times, in return for a list of names of authors, so well done that one for not requiring terror or sex, just to glare at a random Changer nearby." Eyeroll.
"I don't recall actively glaring at them, no, but then I assume you'd expect to hear that whether I in fact was glaring at them or not."
"More or less, yeah. So, let me see if I get this straight: there are billions of Makers, all of whom can create arbitrary material goods, who know if they take a summons they're gonna be unable to actually talk, and the demons who do get summoned to Earth are exactly those that would... take a summons, so those who want things other than material goods and want those things enough to put up with being gagged and glared-at by Changers nearby."
"Yes," agrees Theo. "I thought I'd mentioned this – I doubt literally every single Maker ever is evil, I'm sure some of them can be at least somewhat pleasant if only because some of them are ex-summoners who haven't been corrupted if that's a thing that happens, but there seems to be an extremely high proportion of those summoned who are pretty terrible, plus there are myths in general on Earth relating to the different daeva, plus it's hardly like their powers give them any incentive to work together."
"These incentives look like even if the vast majority of them were reasonably nice, the summoned population would still be pretty skewed."
He shrugs. "Sure, and–" Pause. "I was going to say that they also try attacking us at concordances – where two of the non-mortal worlds meet up – but that would also skew towards the idiots, since it skews towards idiot angels too."