Theo's just bitten into an apple when he feels the summons, so he doesn't stop to put it down before accepting. He can get rid of it later if necessary.
Luckily, so he thinks, he gets to the summons before anyone else.
Theo's just bitten into an apple when he feels the summons, so he doesn't stop to put it down before accepting. He can get rid of it later if necessary.
Luckily, so he thinks, he gets to the summons before anyone else.
"Hello again," she says like someone who is bored out of her mind and really doesn't mind the interruption.
"Anti-fiend defenses – any idea if they'll try shooting me down if I go fly out into the water again? I lost something and I might be able to repair it if I can find it."
"Oh—hmm, I'd need to message someone about it, one second." She walks over to a discreet terminal by the stairs and types a few things there, then talks to someone, then turns back to Theo. "You should be clear."
"Thanks," he smiles, and then off he flies.
He thinks he has some sort of idea where he got shot at and then got lasered – the laser probably being the more important thing, here – so he goes to approximately there and looks into the water to see how deep it is.
… The water doesn't happen to be ridiculously clear, does it, and perhaps it's just about dawn so he can see if there might be some very dark object along with tatters of clothes along the seabed?
It's not ridiculously clear but it's much clearer than Earth water, possibly because of the lack of pollutants in this world. Also he's an angel. Also he doesn't see a very dark object but he does see some red shiny ones.
… He will go diving for the red shiny ones, then, under the assumption that those are the strength orbs, and the idea that his phone is probably near to them.
Wonderful! He collects them all up and returns to the surface with them and really hopes they are intact and he does not get shot at again.
The spheres seem to be intact! The phone is a bit roughed up but wasn't directly hit by any bullets.
Well, he can clean up the casing just fine and fortunately in modern times they have nice phones that are quite resilient even when totally submerged in water to quite a high depth, so it still functions. Or will after it's been dried, or whatever, but he can do that himself.
He flies back towards the city, pocketing the items again.
Woo! He has successfully wasted time and kept himself from getting too bored, that's wonderful.
Is it waking up in ways he might find interesting, like there being merchants or something available for him to trade arbitrary metals with so he can have some local currency? Presumably they have local currency. Presumably he can get it at any time. It might be useful to have some on-hand anyway seeing as he's not summoning any other daeva right this moment – unless it's an intermittent thing – and therefore not likely to be desummoned and resummoned.
Any that look like they might trade in precious metals or gems? Because if so, he will get a small quantity to sell and go find them.
He has small bits of gold and silver on him right now. If they make it clear they would like to buy some other sort of metal from him, he is willing to say that he can in fact make materials and would like to sell some of it.
Well, they're not buying small bits of gold, no, but if he has large bits of gold or other precious metals or stones...
Oh, just a second while he digs around in his pocket, he's sure he can find a larger piece! Depending on how large the person is talking about, it might be large enough, who knows.
If not he will go see the guard and find out if she knows about local laws on trading gemstones or whatever. They might have some, not like he knows for sure he won't be arrested for producing expensive ones.