Theo's just bitten into an apple when he feels the summons, so he doesn't stop to put it down before accepting. He can get rid of it later if necessary.
Luckily, so he thinks, he gets to the summons before anyone else.
Well he will be in a bit of pain, then, because bullets hurt, and they are frustrating and he will drop a bit.
Not too badly controlled, because he can make sure he doesn't crash or something and it's not going to tear right through his wing so it's just that it's moving him weirdly and causing him pain, but definitely worse than before and he would really rather not drop into the water if he can, like, not do that. It'd be frustrating and he likes his clothes and he doesn't want bullet holes in them, and bullets hurt, ugh.
Did he get over ground before they started shooting at him or is he in fact going to fall into the water?
Before he got into the water? Because good, he will try to catch himself and continue flying and wipe the blood off and it freaking stings and try to make sure he doesn't damage his clothing any further – he liked this shirt.
Well he will just finish up his singeing underwater, cool down, get to the surface to take a breath, and then heal up from the freaking wounds and the tatters of his freaking shirt because they just had to do that, didn't they.
Then he'll turn his wings into water and swim to shore.
… If he stops and tries to listen for more details is it recognizable as something?
(Please don't be war sounds, please don't be the sounds of some machine powering up, ugh.)
He– really, why?
Okay, how about he just turns around and swims away from the place that wants to shoot him on sight for being a trespasser or whatever. He can return in the day when they hopefully don't think he's evil, or if they do, he can talk to the people on the boat or something.
Then he'll reform wings on his back and try to get out of the water a bit and then evaporate the water and try to get some lift so he can fly away.
With his bullet- and laser-marked clothing.
Can he go sideways? Is there a bit of the island that Luca's on that he can get to without being shot at, or does he have to return back to the place he was at before, whatever it's called?
Are there obvious roads he can walk along with his tatters, possibly in the direction of Luca?
He will in fact circle the city that his summoner is apparently going to, despite the fact that it shot at him, because he desires to go there.
Does anybody come out to arrest him for something like public indecency if he goes along the– why is he even caring about how his clothes currently are, he can just fix them; he does that.
Does anybody come out to shoot him with more guns because they recognize him and his wings or something if he does in fact land and walk along the single wide dirt road?
There aren't many (or any) people on the highroad to remark on his state of undress, but given some outfits he's seen other people (such as Kaede herself) wearing, it's not very likely they'd care much about indecency. When he reaches the platform and stairs leading down to Luca a uniformed woman carrying a large gun walks up to meet him. She blinks at his wings, but says, "Greetings. Are you...?"