Theo's just bitten into an apple when he feels the summons, so he doesn't stop to put it down before accepting. He can get rid of it later if necessary.
Luckily, so he thinks, he gets to the summons before anyone else.
"Yevon was a summoner a thousand years ago who explained to the world what we had to do to get rid of Sin. His daughter Lady Yunalesca was the first high summoner. Nowadays we follow his precepts so that one day, Sin will stop attacking us, ya?"
"Is he dead now, or do you guys live a lot longer than the mortals I'm acquainted with? And– is there any reason to believe what he says or is it just 'well we have nothing else to go on'."
"He's dead, and his daughter did actually kill Sin, and then other people since her, doing the things he told us to do. Sin always came back, but that's also what he says would happen."
Ten points to whoever guesses the horrifying implication, here.
"So– he told you how to get rid of Sin, though it's only temporarily because it somehow reappears after death, and also gave you some set of moral codes or something to abide by which he told you will get it to leave you alone?"
"His precepts say that once we have atoned for our sins and are behaving correctly, Sin will not return after being killed by the Final Summoning."
"Is the Final Summoning how you kill it each time or is that some sort of extra special thing?"
"It's how we kill it. The pilgrimage consists of visiting each temple in Spira, reaching Zanarkand, finding out how to perform the Final Summoning, using it to defeat Sin, and dying in the process."
"Depends, when my—father—did it ten years ago Sin was gone for like a year and a half, two years."
"Would people rather we continue on to Luca or whatever you were planning on doing next? Or alternatively I go help with cleanup at the shore and meet you later– so long as there's some clear path, not like I'd want to get lost and I don't know how feasible that is?"
He smooths over the daeva summoning circle, seeing as how it's not serving any purpose anymore.
"We're not pressed at the scale of, like, hours or even days, and if you can significantly help them here then we can wait. My plans—which I haven't told you about yet, by the way—have been sort of thrown into a blender now that you're here."
"Possibly not too far into a blender, seeing as it seems we can't summon other daeva, but I guess my powers are probably useful even if they aren't necessarily as widely applicable as a Maker's and even if I can't do magic things."
"Pretty much, yeah. Could even make you a guardian if you're as invulnerable as you say and want to help me."
"Symbolic, gives you the right to get inside the Cloister of Trials and some status."
Pause. "Okay, so I will probably go help the people on the shore, now, let you guys discuss it without me if you want that. Where should I meet you, any particular guideline on when? – I don't need anywhere to sleep, I can just keep myself awake indefinitely, and I can make myself food as necessary and clean up and whatever, so this is just for how it would be convenient for me to get in contact with you."
"I mean, I might get bored eventually but I don't actually do all that much Changing for an actual purpose as it turns out because there are a lot of Changers, so– I can probably keep it up for a few hours without getting particularly bored, will probably take a few breaks and be ready to continue some more?" Pause. "That is to say, nothing extremely precise, but somewhere on the order of hours and then more after breaks. How much help I can be depends on what's available to do, but I expect I can probably help quite a lot, though I'm not trained in architecture or applicable engineering things."
"My main point here is that it might be more effective in the long run for us to just get going, because killing Sin saves quite a lot of lives. However, the Besaid Aurochs do have a tournament to play tomorrow so we can wait. We could go ahead to Luca and you meet up with us there."