Theo's just bitten into an apple when he feels the summons, so he doesn't stop to put it down before accepting. He can get rid of it later if necessary.
Luckily, so he thinks, he gets to the summons before anyone else.
"Do you have something for the reverse, too, if we wanted to speed up how long until they're back?"
Nod. "Seems useful. Do you need, uh, recharge time to be able to cast again – mana or whatever, or…?"
"Mana, yeah. There's a limit, you kinda know instinctively, I can cast about five of these before running out. There's magic potions for it, and resting helps, too."
"Like a two hour nap? If you don't actually stop everything you're doing it doesn't recharge, though."
"… Huh," he says. "Can you tell if it's recharging or not? And – I'm curious if it's how much effort you're putting into things, or if it's how much you're physically moving, or what. Does reading a book stop it?"
"...I haven't tried. I never really did a lot of magic before coming to Spira. Kaede would know, though."
"Yeah, I'd guess she might," he says. "Any spells you can do by default, that I could do, or do I need a sphere to be able to do anything?"
"The spheres are solid magic, I think. You can learn stuff without them but it's easier with them."
Nod. "So – summoners train in magic so they can summon aeons by calling on fayths? Is that a magic spell too or is that somehow different…?"
"Are you allowed to use superspeed, is the ball itself magic to– stay inside the arena thing?"
"Oh, no, the ball isn't magic. There are rules about which kinds of magic you can use."
"Does it just get thrown back in if it goes out, then?" Pause. "I assume it goes out from time to time."
"No, a new ball gets thrown inside the stadium, lost balls like that are souvenirs."
Nod. "Makes sense. I'm kinda curious what a Blitzball stadium looks like but I'm guessing there isn't one anywhere nearby…? You said– that next town probably has one."
"Right," he says. "Uh. And Sin has been following you? And also attacking high-tech areas?"
"I don't know if it's been following me, but I did run into it three times. But yeah, it does."
Nod. "Well, might as well get something out of this speed boost – I'm gonna go fly around for a short bit, see you in a few minutes?"