Theo's just bitten into an apple when he feels the summons, so he doesn't stop to put it down before accepting. He can get rid of it later if necessary.
Luckily, so he thinks, he gets to the summons before anyone else.
"Nah, that's just me, you gotta, like, focus on it, and know what you're gonna slot it in."
It's weird. The subjective feeling is that this sphere could normally improve something his brain translates as "endurance" but not, specifically, his endurance; could normally improve his "toughness" but again, not his, specifically (though this one feels more like "not yet" than "not at all"); or could make him physically stronger.
… Well okay, he'll try willing it using this to become a tad stronger, though he could, like, change his muscles if he wanted to do that separately.
Not like the endurance nor the toughness things really matter.
He is quite happy that his physical body has not in fact changed because he was not in fact aiming for his physical body to change. It would have been quite surprising if it had in fact changed.
"Weird," he says.
"Told ya. And if you, like, meditate about it, you can sorta, move around in your head and find other things you can do with more magic."
"Are they things I can do with more spheres, or would I need different spheres? And what do the endurance and toughness ones do, because I'm assuming they won't help me much on account of the indestructibility."
"You'd need some of these and some others. And, uh, I don't know what you're calling endurance and toughness in your head? But the things power spheres help with are strength, resistance to damage, and how much you can get hurt before something goes seriously wrong."
"I'd expect toughness to be resistance to damage and endurance to be the other one, but okay, I guess the words are kinda ambiguous. Resistance to damage probably wouldn't help much because invulnerable, same for the other one. Things don't go seriously wrong with me, I don't get damaged much." Shrug.
"Any in particular that might be useful? I mean, presumably they're all at least sort of useful."
"… I'm kinda curious how fortune works, and actually same for the others – is speed just physical or also mental? And does ability help with learning or what?"
"Fortune makes you luckier, don't know how that works but it does. Speed is physical and mental, and ability teaches you spells."
"Well, learning how to cast a spell is sort of a permanent upgrade, but yeah. Lulu was using some against the Sinspawn, and Kaede was, too."
"Yeah. I learned a new one today, look." He closes his eyes and closes his right fist, then opens them again and extends his hand towards Theo, causing a show of red lights around him.
And suddenly the world's moving quite slowly.
Tidus casts the spell on himself then answers, "About ten minutes in real time, twenty for us."