Theo's just bitten into an apple when he feels the summons, so he doesn't stop to put it down before accepting. He can get rid of it later if necessary.
Luckily, so he thinks, he gets to the summons before anyone else.
"Uh, yeah." He reaches for one in a pocket. It's a bit smaller than a billiard ball, and looks like solid water. Not ice—more like water just up and decided to be sphere-shaped on a whim. It shines with a red sourceless glow, and looks like it's in constant chaotic movement in spite of being completely still. "This one's for physical magic."
"We mmmight need more than that as an explanation of what it does if we want someone to take it? Though the red glow makes it pretty anyway and they may possibly take it just for that."
"Huh," he says. "The stronger thing might be interesting, if it works on us, since we only have approximately human strength – how would you activate it? And uh, how expensive are they or difficult to get, do you have multiple?"
"Yeah, we have, like, a couple dozen. When a fiend dies some of its pyreflies sometimes become power spheres, or you can make them—well, I can, you'd have to learn how—or you can buy them."
Theo nods. "I'm just gonna change this, sec," he says, and then alters the circle a bit. "Aiming for a friend of mine now. Just fill in the end of the circle and then hopefully he's free to come."
He hands the stick over.
No-one appears! For a while.
After about a minute, Theo says, "Might as well try another circle that's not for him, then, in case he doesn't come," and holds his hand out for the stick.
No daeva.
Still no daeva.
"That was meant to be a Changer," says Theo, after another minute. "Usually they're quicker than that about turning up."
He takes the stick again and tries another circle, this time to get a fairy. Hands it back to Tidus to get him to fill it in again.
If this doesn't work he might try a demon. Ugh.
Nope. Then they try a demon. Still nothing.
"I think something is broken, in that case. Or I was somehow a special case."
"You can use different languages around the edge, anyway," he says. "Could be that the 'language' used in the aeon circle was just sort of geometric?"
"Okay, well, these don't seem to have worked," he says, so he smooths over the ground to cover the circles. "Meaning Kaede does not have a way to get her army of daeva."
"Yeah... She'd be real happy if it worked..." And he inexplicably blushes a little.
Well okay then. "Anything else to do in the meantime, then? Or are we just waiting the however-long left."
"Waiting, I guess." He tosses the sphere up, catches it, and then squeezes it, causing it to evaporate into rainbow lights that circle his body before being absorbed by it.
"Yeah." He finds another one and tosses it to him. "It's a weird feeling, like you're slotting it inside you, and after you do it you gotta make room for more later."