Theo's just bitten into an apple when he feels the summons, so he doesn't stop to put it down before accepting. He can get rid of it later if necessary.
Luckily, so he thinks, he gets to the summons before anyone else.
Theo's just bitten into an apple when he feels the summons, so he doesn't stop to put it down before accepting. He can get rid of it later if necessary.
Luckily, so he thinks, he gets to the summons before anyone else.
The air around the flying (floating, really, it's not using its wings to stay aloft) thing shimmers and it gestures towards the unfriendly-looking plant thing. Following that movement, a flame appears on the plant.
And the air around one of the other people around shimmers similarly, and another flame appears on the plant.
"Who are you, and can you help?" the girl asks the angel as one of the plant's tentacles lashes out like a whip at the flying thing—Valefor—who dodges it by flying higher.
The air shimmers around someone else—lots of light effects here, huh?—and his sword starts glowing. He runs towards the plant thing, dodges one tentacle and severs another—but is swatted aside and hits the ground with a crash.
He drops his apple – he hardly needs it, what the heck – and flies plant-wards, turning the nearest tentacle into cloud-fluff.
*failing to turn the nearest tentacle into cloud-fluff, he means.
The girl does a magic thing, and the guy who was hit by the tentacle is covered with sparkles.
… Theo is slightly surprised by the fact that the nearest tentacle is not changing, and tries to change another part of the tentacle.
… And if he tries to change the scorched bit into cloud fluff, can he change any of it or is this thing somehow totally invulnerable to this – what the hell.
… He will not in fact try acid on it in case it does something weird to that and stops him from changing it back. Instead he will try– ugh, what the hell doesn't hurt wildlife but would kill this freaking plant.
Next time there's fire on the plant he makes it hotter and larger and stretch further on the creature, unless it nullifies him in an area around it.
Well, it takes a while longer than he'd expect it to—almost as if there was in fact less fire there to work from than he can see—but it does work.
And then after a few seconds a large chunk of the fire's gone, leaving only the bits he's expanded.
"Was that you?"
He doesn't want to kill it, he won't burn it to death, he can try to char the tentacles and then cauterize the wounds if that applies or alternatively shove something solid against them to prevent it bleeding out or whatever, since it apparently doesn't totally nullify his abilities.
"Yes," he responds. "What the hell."
It... doesn't really have blood. Just the fading light things that leave its wounds, and they continue leaving its wounds when he tries to "cauterize" them.
One of the people around, holding a blue ball with bumps, spins it on his finger, causing black smoke to surround it. He throws it up in the air, jumps, and kicks the ball towards the plant thing, hitting it with significantly more force than kicking a ball should be able to apply. The cloud of black smoke grows and starts surrounding the plant, and from its tentacles' movements this seems to have impaired its vision.
He isn't sure how the flames will interact with the smoke – hopefully not explosively but he's not sure he should trust them to know with whatever the heck they're using against this thing, so he stops fanning the flames and instead flies back a bit – he has range, he can do stuff to it from a distance away, even if it's not a ridiculous distance.
There are in fact no explosions! Just the black cloud while the others continue doing fire or physical attacks while the plant lashes out at people.
At one point it starts moving in a very suspicious way and then a green very noxious-looking gas starts escaping from its body to surround the attackers.
Is this noxious-looking gas also invulnerable to his powers? Because if not he will clear it totally fine.
He is sure he can get it to stop moving somehow, even if he has to make a bunch of ground into cloudfluff, manually move it over here, and then dump it on the stupid thing, probably after changing it to something more damaging.
For now, however, he will recommend people get the heck out of the way and– if it's not moving that quickly, if they can in fact get away, probably go get started on the stupid cloudfluff idea. Any nearby ground that looks like nobody will mind if he removes it?
Perhaps he should look into making some sort of weapon, but he's never done one before on account of never needing to and – again, what the hell.
The battle is leaving quite a lot of destroyed ground and general debris here and there, surely no one will mind.
And oh, look, apparently the plant's embedded deep enough in the ground that it's managed to extend two tentacles through it to all the way behind everyone.
The summoner starts—well, it looks like she's dancing, her various bangles and rings chiming prettily with her movements—but there are pretty sparkles here and there and people seem to not be suffering too much from the noxious cloud of whatever.
If this were a video game, Theo would expect her to be the one doing weird magic and buffing people. He has no idea where the hell he is, and he's pretty sure the mortal world hasn't changed this much in, what, like the past month or something.
So he grabs some nice cloud-fluff, converting some of the lovely damaged terrain – doesn't spend too long making it but makes sure to get enough to be useful without inconveniencing him by its weight, he can't change it that much – and then goes back and flies above the plant to try dropping rocks on it.
He has no idea how he's meant to fight this sort of thing. Trying to change the inside of the plant gets the exact same results as the outside, he's pretty sure – he tests that to make sure, though.