Theo's just bitten into an apple when he feels the summons, so he doesn't stop to put it down before accepting. He can get rid of it later if necessary.
Luckily, so he thinks, he gets to the summons before anyone else.
Theo's just bitten into an apple when he feels the summons, so he doesn't stop to put it down before accepting. He can get rid of it later if necessary.
Luckily, so he thinks, he gets to the summons before anyone else.
People don't spend too much time being surprised by what he's doing and just accept this as help. It hurts the monster, and when it does bits of it flake off.
"Get back," the girl calls, and everyone else gets back—
He… does in fact get back from it, because he has no idea what that sphere of light does and if it's 'shoves him away with lots of force' that could inconvenience him, and it could be that because apparently things here are magic.
Or something.
—and it becomes a laser beam, slicing neatly through the plant thing and then causing the ground hit by it to explode.
And that's enough damage that the thing apparently can't hold itself together anymore, and it starts slowly dissolving into the white floating spheres of light.
Oh well that's just wonderful, and if he tries to change one of the spheres to instead be heavy and drop downwards because he'd like to possibly know what the heck it is? Is he unable to change it too?
The fighters are sighing in relief and rubbing sores, the girl does some more magic to everyone, and a handful of people who had apparently fled the scene start returning to that platform to inspect the damage.
The summoner looks up at Theo. "So, uh, who or what are you."
They do not have a word for angel. They do also not have a word for what he is.
"A Changer," he responds, moving downwards. "And you should probably be more careful about, uh–" drawing on the floor? Did she even?
She did not! But the light show did include circles on the floor.
"What's a Changer? Avoid what?"
"Drawing on the floor. Or rather – lighting up circles on the floor? Not totally impossible you'd get someone mean, though, so, should probably avoid making marks on the floor at all. And – uh, a Changer is someone who changes things, seriously, where the hell are we that you don't know what one is?"
"I can't not light up circles on the floor, it's part of summoning, and I usually only get what I expect to get. We're in Kilika Island, there's the temple," she explains, gesturing up towards the top of the stairs.
A blue lion-person with a broken horn in the middle of their forehead comes from somewhere and interposes themself between the girl and Theo.
"Who's this?" the blond boy comes closer to ask, sheathing his sword behind his back.
Theo is still flying! Theo is still staying away from the blue lion-person and the not blue lion-person and the other not blue lion-person.
"Well, you summoned me with one of the circles. And I more meant – what country are we in, since we seem to be on–" Pause. "Earth, unless they terraformed–" Longer pause. "Mars."
Why do they not have words for Earth or Mars. What.
"We're on Kilika Island," she repeats, more slowly. "I'm not sure what an 'Earth' or a 'Mars' is."
The lady with the dress made up of belts comes closer, as well, and inspects Theo. "And just what is this?"
"I mean. I wouldn't expect you to know what they are, since, you apparently don't have words for them. Just. Um. Not having words for them is slightly outside my experience. Like that plant."
"And what are you even wearing," asks the girl in what's basically halfway towards a bikini adorned with rings and bangles and bracelets and earrings and anklets, surrounded by two technically-not-shirtless guys, an even-more-technically-not-shirtless lion person, and a woman with a physics-defying black dress made of belts, as well as the other approaching people in variously bizarre attires.
"… Jeans," he says, using a foreign word because of course they don't have a word for jeans. "And a– t-shirt."
"...okay, I'll take your word for it that that's what those are called. I'm Kaede."
"Theo," he responds. "Jeans are, uh– pants made of some sort of textile – denim, not that you have a word for that. The t-shirt is cotton. The wings, in case you didn't know–" he says, coming down to the ground and flexing them a bit – "They're real. Living."