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Salmons and Carmines in Azurite
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"That's useful, then, so plan still stands for me to practice pickpocketing."

Pickpocketing research, then practice?


"Do you think you can get good at that, like, tonight?"


"Probably not but I haven't actually tried before, and I don't know how much better I'll be at picking up skills now? So, maybe but I wouldn't bet on us being ready straight away tomorrow evening?"


"Okay, hmm, so we should see how you do before making more plans. And maybe think about the blood bank before saving anyone's life."


"– As in, aim to have that problem solved first?"


"Yeah, seems like it'll be easier."


"Yeah, the practice at pickpocketing should hopefully resolve the main issue."


"Hm? No, I mean I don't think you'll need to pickpocket anything to get blood."


"– I thought the pickpocketing was for the key for the blood bank if it's not just lying around or lock-pickable?"


"Well, maybe, I guess, though I was thinking more for general access to places in the hospital. Blood bank, I think it might be easier to get stuff while it's arriving, like from whatever delivery truck."


"Huh, yeah, should be but I'm not sure how often it'll come? – Not because I'm worried it won't come often enough, but because I don't know when the first time it'll come will be."


"We could check? You can probably sustain yourself on animals and Matt until then, I'd guess."


Matt snorts.


"– Yeah, probably."


"Okay, so, suppose you're good enough at pickpocketing you can get into a blood bank if we need to, and access restricted parts of a hospital. How does that plan fail?"


"Well we might be seen when we're not moving quickly, and while I should be able to hear if someone's nearby, I'm not infallible if distracted as shown with Willow the other night."


"Okay, so..."

And they continue hashing out details of the plan until they're satisfied with it, and Theo starts learning pickpocketing. He does pick it up pretty fast, but not fast enough that Sadde doesn't have to go home before he's done.


And then Theo continues practicing on Matt for a bit and Matt stays up and watches Theo for a bit and then Matt has a sleep and Theo stays carefully within the confines of his room and after a lovely six hours of sleep (for Matt – it was only about four for Theo), Theo texts Sadde to let them know that he plans on going and letting the administration of the school know that he's alive, Matt is probably tired, do they want to escort him?


Sure, be there in a bit.

And in a bit: knock knock.


Theo comes to the door, opens it, sees Sadde, smiles at him. "Hey!"


"Hiya! How's?"


"I'm fine, Matt's probably going to try to get to sleep now he knows I'm being watched again," Theo pauses to turn and shout up the stairs, "Thanks Matt!" then back to Sadde and, "Mom says she should be back a bit after midday tomorrow, and I'm thinking it'll be nice to be known to be alive again."


"Sounds reasonable. Uh, how do you wanna deal with the sun?"


"I was thinking we could drive the very short distance and then take a path that didn't go in the sun much – I should be good for short distances?"


"Right, car. Sure, works, I guess."

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