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Salmons and Carmines in Azurite
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Doorbell rings.

"And I should probably go home!"


"You probably should! See you tomorrow, or…?"


"Sure! Bye now!"

Off she goes.


"So, should I just wait here while you go? Or, like, sit in the car or something, it might be a bit crowded if all three of us try sneak around."


"You might as well come with at least in the car if you'd rather know the progress quicker, I think?"


"Yeah that sounds reasonable."


"And one of you should probably come with me most of the way to keep watch on me, and I use superspeed to grab stuff. And we hope they don't have all the keys on them, since presumably they must put them down at some point? Sounds like we could do better than 'hope' but I'm not immediately sure how to get keys off people without mind control or pickpocketing, and while I'm probably better at pickpocketing than I was, I don't actually know how to do it apart from 'try to do it while they're distracted, have sleight of hand'."


"Okay, and how will this plan fail?"


"I can't pickpocket properly, we can't just get into the area we need to through superspeed because, for example, someone is guarding the door by blocking it, the hospital is closed to visitors right now, the hospital doesn't let us in without me mind-controlling the receptionist or speeding right through and therefore probably not bringing anyone with me…?"


"How do we patch these issues?"


"I learn to pickpocket better, we have a fallback for if I'm caught pickpocketing – like mind control but we're trying to avoid that, and I can't think of any good explanations that wouldn't get us attemptedly arrested – and we could try waiting for someone to get out of the way or find another route or, again, make the route available with mind control but we're avoiding that, and we could pick a lock and use superspeed if they're not admitting visitors or I could carry someone with me and hopefully the blur isn't too obvious? Mind control seems like an easy but ugly solution to, like, all of these issues."


"Yes and therefore it'll be our last resort. How do we patch over the presented issues without mind control?"


"I have no idea how patch over the issue of 'if I fail to pickpocket someone they will try to have me arrested'? Persuade them I didn't mean it, claim I have kleptomania, just not get arrested but the issue here is that they'd try?"


"Then the best way to patch this is getting better at pickpocketing I think."


"By… trying to pickpocket one of you two? And researching how to do it, that's probably a good step."


"Yeah. But now that I think of it, if you have sway people might just notice you anyway."


"– I'm not sure we've actually tested if it's supernaturally noticing I'm there or if it's just hacking you so when you know I'm there you try to pay more attention. 'Cause that might be important."


"Yeah. You got an experimental setup in mind?"


"I can probably be quite quiet if I try, maybe see if you can tell I'm present without seeing or hearing me? You could stand in another room, I enter at some point within the next three minutes, you tell if you're, like, inclined to listen more or can tell I'm there at some particular point and we see if you're right?"


"Wouldn't, like, regular noises work to warn me? Maybe I should compare that to Matt doing it."


"So, have us both enter and leave and you see if there's a noticeable difference in sway? We could maybe do it a few times to confirm, yeah?"




"Okay!" says Theo. "You could go stand in the dining room?"



So she goes and does that, deleting her copy of the voice recording and sending Theo a selfie. Both Matt and Theo try to sneak up on her, and it turns out that sway does not make Theo any less sneaky, and she needs to actually notice him for it to kick in.

Total: 2023
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