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Salmons and Carmines in Azurite
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"But you can still apparently deal with the temptation?"

She sends Willow a copy of the recording again.


"Yeah," he says. "It's worse than just standing near someone who doesn't have any wounds, but I'm at least not out in the sun or whatever and tempted to be bitier than usual."


"Mmhm. And—don't know if we can conclude anything about the infinite blood hack? You can apparently normally control yourself, though."


"Seems so, yeah."


"I also don't know how to easily test it without bleeding into a cup and I think that's worse with humans than vampires."


"Yeah, I'm pretty sure it is, and I'm not sure that if you got 'woozy' it would be fixed quickly or anything." Shrug. "We don't even know if it reheals blood, I don't think, or if it just somehow treats the symptoms, unless I'm missing something."


"Don't think it could heal the symptoms without healing the cause, in this case."


"… I honestly don't know if I want to rule it out, because it might have some ridiculous limitation that it can heal everything that's not– life-threatening when it comes to blood loss." Shrug. "I mean, I doubt it, but I'm not sure I want to say it can't just make you feel not woozy."


"Okay, yeah, good point."


"It healed a cut, though, so it can definitely heal some things – I mean, I assume it isn't just radiating an aura of mind-altering stuff that makes us all think the wound is healed when it isn't actually, and at that point it's just getting sort of ridiculously paranoid – but it sounds like a relatively easy way to make the infinite blood hack not work, so," he shrugs.


"The biggest problem seems to be that you didn't notice you were going bitey."


"I noticed that I felt more need to pay attention to you, that happened first, but then I noticed that there was some food source nearby, and that didn't really help because by the time I was thinking 'food source' I was a bit too bitey, and, like, sort of lack the ability to prompt myself that people are people if I'm that bitey." Shrug. "So, didn't notice it at first and then when I did it didn't seem like a problem except insofar as 'how do I pay attention to Willow while also biting, this is such a problem', that sort of thing."


"So we can't just see how long it takes for you to feel bitey to figure out how often you need to eat."


"… You might be able to get somewhere on asking me 'how bitey do you feel?' every so often, I might be able to answer a question like that, but I don't think I would prompt myself into anything relating to it. It'd be difficult, I'll try, but I don't think it'll work."


"Could use an alarm?"


"… That should work I think?" he says. "I mean, it wouldn't help if I were left alone and I did happen to go suddenly bitey at an inconvenient time, but it should help to mean you don't have to remind me, yeah."

He gets out his phone and sets one. "Does every ten minutes sound like it'll be too annoying or not often enough, do you think?"


"It sounds like you'd maybe get used to it? But it's more often than people could, like, ask, probably."


"Mm," he nods. "Hopefully I don't just build up a habit of swiping it to dismiss, I actually, like, check – obviously I'm going to try to check."

He sets it, checks to make sure he doesn't actually happen to want to chew down on anybody nearby to the extent that he previously hadn't realized they were a person, and then puts his phone back in his pocket.


"You could still probably cause quite a lot of damage in ten minutes, though."


"– I can cut it down, this is part of why I asked if I should reduce the interval, but yes, I could cause a lot of damage."


"Would the alarm even call your attention if you were bitey?"


"Might make me recall that I'm supposed to check if I'm bitey – I'd probably notice that the alarm went off and then if I didn't think it a waste of my time or something probably check – but no, not necessarily. It's better than me just totally forgetting to check it though, I think."


"Yeah, and I guess since this is to just, like, track your progression..."


"I'm not sure how we can actually get me to safely notice once I'm past it and stop without someone with sway telling me to stop," he shrugs. "This should at least give an idea of when I get to 'slightly peckish' though."


"Stop what?"

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