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Salmons and Carmines in Azurite
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"Flattering, but I don't think it's half."


Theo shrugs.


"She was making a joke about all the people I've kissed."


"Yeah," he says. "I realized that."


"So, what changed that'd make you want to have casual hookups now with random vampires?"


"I probably wouldn't want casual hookups," he says. "The creepy sex biting thing is slightly different in my head. But I dunno. Probably because I became a vampire and it's screwed with my head or something."


"—okay that's worrying."


"Or maybe it's just a perfectly normal reaction to finding out that you're maybe immortal and also you need to feed on human blood oh and also sunlight burns and that there are various other annoying new traits that you have gathered after dropping dead at school and waking up in a morgue." He shrugs. "I don't think this is a particularly precedented scenario."


"Wanting to get an orgasm out of being bitten is probably not the normal reaction to that, I wouldn't think."


"No, I mean maybe it's messed with my opinions on casual sex in general but I haven't actually picked through them all to make sure it has or it hasn't and I haven't really been in the position to go getting any casual sex since becoming a vampire so it hasn't been extremely strongly relevant and I just thought about the idea of getting bitten by a vampire like that and thought that it might actually be a thing I'd do."





She looks at him. Somewhat pointedly.




She snorts and shakes her head. "Nothing."



"So it seems like I can probably feed off people without killing them, which is nice – do you care for some blood or are you okay."


"Bit woozy, dunno if your blood will help, but there's more in that glass than you actually drank, I'm pretty sure."


Shrug. "I might produce more blood than I get out of feeding, anyway, might be even more of an infinite blood hack than we thought."


"Mm, dunno how true that is, maybe we should test it? But you don't seem to be feeling at all woozy in spite of the glass."


"Maybe my blood doesn't actually affect how woozy I am?" he shrugs. "Could try draining more than a glass and seeing if I get woozy then."


"Given the way this system works I think it might make you want to bite people."


"So there's no direct way to compare."


"Well we can't really drain my blood all the way, no, but we could maybe see how much blood it takes to get me down past a certain threshold of bitiness, then see if it gets worse or better over time, or not? I mean, not that it's safe for us to do this unless one of you has huge sway over me but it should be okay?" Pause. "Maybe if we try this really far away from other people, too?"


"That should maybe be tried here, actually, because it's harder for you to bolt."


"… I guess so what with the doors?" Shrug. "Okay, well, one or both of you should probably get the huge sway over me again – kinda convenient that that works to keep me in check – and then we try it?"


So Willow starts recording him again.


He lets her know when it's really quite obvious that he's swayed.

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