Demon Edie and Demon Cam in Milliways
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"Of a couple dozen species, not just humans. I am quite sincere about wanting to roll out to the whole multiverse as quickly as possible."


"Uh-huh. Just let me know."


She goes downstairs.

"Hey," she tells Cam. "We haven't talked much since the Elves came in."


"I haven't been here that long subjectively but yeah. What's on your mind?"


"Alts. I think that one summoner from the my elf-universe's Earth was an alt of me and my sister simultaneously somehow, and that's weird, and you probably have an alt there, but the only alts we have for direct comparison are the Elves you've met here and in your elf-universe."


"I haven't checked for one yet, and if blends of people are a thing he might not turn up on naive inspection..."


"Yeah. I'm just wondering--how do they compare? What are your Maitimo and Tyelcormo like--you haven't really interacted much with this Feanaro and Curufin..."


"Barely interacted with my Arda's Tyelcormo. We met, but only in passing. My Arda's Maitimo is competent, decent company, very bright - seems to match, pretty much, modulo universe differences, though obviously we never had time to do anything like play Governor considering."


"Governor's fun."


"If they pretty much match--um, you've probably noticed I' now, and it's--we really like each other a lot, so--sorry to get arguably high school drama on you, but--knowing more things about his family is better than not..."


"...I wound up learning some things I was not supposed to wind up learning and we're not closely acquainted enough that I could say what would and would not be unacceptable levels of gossip... and the 'modulo universe differences' thing may be a big deal..."


"Closely acquainted enough in terms of not knowing what I'll react badly to hearing or not knowing how likely I am to repeat things?"


"...not knowing if it's okay to tell you in the first place, nothing to do with where the information would go from there."


"In general I prefer to know more rather than less things."



"That's really not the point. I know things about people who may or may not substantially differ from your boyfriend's family which they did not mean to tell me and definitely didn't authorize me to repeat."


"Oh, gotcha. Sorry, I misunderstood."


"No harm done."


"But--general impressions of how they work, interpersonally--would be nice."


"I have almost none of that salient to Tyelcormo in particular... Fëanáro and sons seem to generally operate as or at least present as a cohesive unit very effective at accomplishing and delegating, I guess, not sure what implications that has for your personal life."


"Okay, thanks anyway. I'm actually getting pretty curious about the stuff you shouldn't tell me, which probably means I need to go do something else until I forget about it because it's none of my business."


"I have no idea if it even matches, but if it does and someone here tells you about it and says you can tell me I suppose I can mention my angle without further information containment failure."


"That really doesn't help the curiosity go away, but thanks."


"You're welcome."


"I'm going to go for a walk around the lake, clear my head."

She does that.

And then she goes upstairs to find Maitimo again.

"So apparently a bunch of it relies on stuff he found out by accident and isn't going to tell me unless it's true for you too and I find out independently."


"Well, that's inconvenient. I suppose I have to be unlike my alt in some respect I can't identify."

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