Demon Edie and Demon Cam in Milliways
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Forcing him to talk about his feelings? Sounding out Cam for receptiveness as subtly as possible?


I'm not very subtle. If you think you're subtle you're welcome to have a go but I expect Maitimo'd be annoyed with you if he found out and he'd probably find out.


Not talking about it and taking excessive walks is still a dumb way to deal with it.


I mean, maybe sort of? But, people skills, he has a feel for whether he has a chance, and if he doesn't, may as well get over it. It's the continuing to play Governor that's probably a bad idea.


The continuing to play Governor is a great idea, it's been a long time since anyone's been able to match him at it. He makes an obsessive study of Cam's body language because he's trying to learn Governor tells. He plays more carefully.


Cam plays more experiencedly. He's still pretty good at not making inopportune tail wags. ...He notices how he is being watched and gives the occasional misleading twitch.

Eventually he wins again.


"....oh, clever. You know, I can't even say 'I made a silly mistake', I was in fact just outplayed.




I've been thinking about what to do after the war, since I don't think they're planning to leave without something that ends the war in five minutes. There's no records in Bar suggesting there's large-scale non-Milliways dimensional transit  - no political jurisdictions stretching across dimensions, or major trade routes, or even reliable communications. If my fathers get interdimensional communication - and that, unlike the travel, won't even need to be demon-safe - and if they get a way to establish portals which only require intelligent hardware for setup -

 - want the setting next game to be making a play for Emperor of the multiverse?"


"Ooooh, sure. Ridiculously complicated setup but we've got all the time in the world."


"Exactly! And maybe I can steal some ideas from the game, if they do invent the tech for the trade routes and etcetera I'm going to be exceedingly tempted to actually go be emperor of the multiverse."


"Pretty sweet job title." Probably should be held by someone who has not committed any genocides.


"Pretty useful job, too, going off random browsing of Bar's history books.


Lot'll depend on the exact tech base, and for the game setting we'll have to go off guesswork, so it may be less use than I'm hoping. But like you said, all the time in the world."


"Yup." Setup. Setup setup setup.


And occasional management of the expanded teams of engineers - he buys presents from Bar to leave for people he knows well enough to select good presents for, stops by every subjective afternoon with preferred foods, it's about all he can usefully do - 


And when they have a nice setup they can play for emperor of the multiverse. 


(His read is that if he were actually emperor of the multiverse this would still be a hard sell, for some reason. Maybe Cam doesn't like redheads. And he doesn't really want to wait that long.)


Cam obliviously fails to explain exactly why this would be a hard sell. How inconvenient.

He plays in-character as someone who has not committed any genocides and really really wants to be emperor of the multiverse.


He's inclined to not blame Cam for the genocide and would be delighted if he had the multiverse on offer. It's a long game. It's a fantastic game.



And eventually in what is arguably a tie Cam's character ends up assassinated and Maitimo's winds up discredited and the succession rules that were in force at the moment wind up with a random NPC being the emperor of the multiverse.



"...oh, for all the gold in Hell -" he looks at the notes and shakes his head and cannot stop giggling. "Good game."


"Excellent game." Wag.


"I'm thinking scallops for dinner, want?"


"That sounds delicious, thank you. Edie hopefully mentioned at some point that I have all of Tirion's restaurant menus in my desk drawer back on the ship -"


"I don't think it ever came up, good to know though." Scallops.


Yay, scallops. 


If it were impossible he'd go write a song and get over himself. But he's not sensing impossible, just very very difficult, and -

"Thank you for dinner. There were these snacks sold in Tirion -" he sends them - "could I have a couple dozen? I want to bring the engineering teams some."


They are assuming that Thauron in their world has terrifying biological weapons too and might not react well to Melkor's dismissal and/or destruction, so they're preparing an antidote to everything conjurable from Angband's bioweapons work.


Cam provides snacks. He tries one. "Mm."


"Aren't they delicious? You are welcome to conjure my desk drawer, I pay all the restaurant owners an ongoing royalty for the right to hand their menus out to daeva. Thank you for playing, that was the best game I think I've ever been a part of."

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