Demon Edie and Demon Cam in Milliways
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"Well, there is something inappropriate to mention about me, and also he's disinterested in me beyond what's explainable by what's been mentioned, so it seems a safe guess?"






"I ordinarily do not spend my time like this but having literally limitless quantities of it is rather priority-distorting, there's only so many consecutive hours I can spend plotting to take over the multiverse..."


"Yeah, there's that. I can recommend-slash-provide examples of my Earth's media, if that helps..."


"Okay. Have as much fun-with-intrigue as you can from here."


"I promise to do so responsibly!"


"I appreciate it."


There may be only so many hours he can spend plotting to take over the multiverse but it is a lot of hours. There are fifty or so dimensions identifiable from their written works as good places to land, add modern infrastructure, hand out vaccinations like candy and extend an invitation to join a federation. Some galaxies with lots of inhabited planets and no FTL yet. He occasionally asks the demons to conjure him things - the complete works of some society picked out from a book from Bar, basement-dwellers for a xenobiology team, diseases for very careful handling in a sealed lab room Bar can provide...


Cam is willing to provide such things. "How are you planning to get any of these places barring a convenient patron?"


"Fully-general interdimensional travel is probably going to be necessary to end the war, grab the Enemy and take him either somewhere there's a magic system under which daeva are destructible or somewhere he can't hurt anyone. It's possible there'll be some bizarre limitations on it, like we can't target places we haven't been or dimensions are not all adjacent or something, but given arbitrary amounts of time I'd expect to be able to do targeted travel to a place we have enough information about, and I can find them with Bar and then you two can conjure from there. 

I want portals, if we've just got jumping the infrastructure to administer anywhere is going to be a challenge. My fathers will have guessed I want this but they won't worry about it until after they've got an Enemy-stopping solution."


"Reasonable priority ordering."


"Yeah. Time's not necessarily stopped in all these other dimensions and some of them need us, but I think it's not a good idea to try to trade anything off against 'totally airtight Enemy solution'."




"Your world we can leave paused until we find somewhere with magic that can fix it, if that seems wise."


"That's the plan. I expect to be here for a while even if I don't think of any promising research projects I'd be usefully set to."


"I find it immensely frustrating that on the engineering front, even with infinite time, anything I could do would be better done by making another copy of my father. We are sometimes bottlenecked on conjuring samples for the biology teams, when Edie's busy, so it's going faster with you around even if that's not really a useful concept."


"Happy to make whatever they need," says Cam.


"Holding up okay? The time dilation between here and the labs isn't always in our favor, we might still be looking at a century."


"It's not that much different from killing time in Hell and the selection of reading material's better."


The last time he'd have been killing time in Hell was before the war. Killing time in Hell'd probably be a bit different now.


"Okay. Let me know if you need anything, there's probably someone on the to-be-reembodied list who'd be good at it. Once I notice my head starting to go fuzzy from looking at nothing but infrastructure we can have another game, too, if you're interested."


"Sure, anytime," says Cam. "'S a good game."


"It really is!"



His head won't actually go fuzzy from looking at nothing but infrastructure - he's done that for Years on occasion - but he'll get itchy from the glaring absence of five conversations ongoing in his head at once. He solicits Cam for another game and mentions that he's considering disabling some of the blessings - "I set up my head to be maximally useful for coordinating half a million people, it's not very good at killing time."


"Huh, it wasn't obvious to me when I was being tempted to chip myself that it'd make me less good at anything I can currently do."

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