Demon Edie and Demon Cam in Milliways
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"I'm not completely sure I should even try to have this conversation but it might affect a multiversal empire, so. Context - abortion is legal most places on my Earth, and was legal but controversially so throughout my lifetime in my country. Its political opponents bundled a lot of other, even more unappealing propositions which probably colors my judgment some."


"And your judgment is-"


"...mostly my judgment is that your judgment was formed in conditions of idyll?"


"I'll grant that."


"And I don't want to, like, pull out horror stories, here, because you can in fact avoid the overwhelming majority of the horror stories with a good enough economy and good enough healthcare and good enough birth control, and emotional appeals are not top quality debate club skills anyway. But the basic arguments are that fetuses, at least early term ones, are not people yet, and that even if they were they would not be entitled to passenger space."


"We've got the uterine replicators. They can do transfers."


"Yeah, now you have the uterine replicators."


"And if we didn't have them we'd be prioritizing inventing them."


"Which would be an entirely defensible research priority, and not really addressing any inconvenient versions of the problem."


"I mean, in the case where someone doesn't want to be pregnant very badly, and is not deterrable from trying to stop being pregnant, and there's no way at all to keep their child alive without forcing them to carry her to term, exiling that person for ending the pregnancy does not seem to make anyone's lives better. I don't - might be you can't actually ensure someone carry a pregnancy to term while keeping their conditions humane, might be you can't deter them much by having laws against it - it would be a lot of hard tradeoffs, which I don't have to make, because we do have uterine replicators."


"You have them for humans."


"And the tradeoffs will be in a different place for every species, depending how much their young develop in the womb, depending how deterrable they are by laws and how easily they can - see, any Elf would regard it as murder but we couldn't actually reduce access, if you wanted your body to stop supporting a baby it would do that..."


"And maybe there are people who work like that and don't regard it as murder, or people who for magical reasons can't have their kids gestating outside their original parent's body, or. It's a big multiverse. If your reaction to the topic is 'well lucky I don't have to think about that because we have this thing!' then you're going to wind up stuck in a corner of it. A nice roomy corner, of course, but."


Sigh. "Point taken. Course, it's not always going to be conveniently the case that the babies 'aren't really people yet' - sometimes they might be-"


"Yes, then you have to evaluate the other argument. And probably take into account how long pregnancies last and how unpleasant they are and so on."


"Bar, if people who come through Bar are representative, what share are humans? What share are Elves?"


My memory's not long enough to say over everyone who's ever been here. And in some cases the categories get quite fuzzy; I get a lot of patrons who were once human, or became human, or who are part-human; and then there are variants such as that between you and your magical alts both of whom might otherwise be categorized as "Elves".

Humans are very common even by a strict definition, though. Elves less so.


"Very common like fifty percent?"


By a strict definition, less, by a loose one, more.







"I assume I count, loosely."


Yes, and more loosely still the naturally occurring daeva of your set of daeva worlds might count likewise, running as they do on basically human physical and mental shapes in most respects.


"How many species do you remember meeting?"


Again allowing for the fuzziness in the categories and my shortness of memory, somewhere between 3,000 and 210,392,458,000.

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