Demon Edie and Demon Cam in Milliways
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"I don't think so, and it'd be terrible if we ran across another psychologically healthy non-evil emotionally mature me and then I had to change it."


"Yeah. I mean, anything that's currently distinguishing could get less so depending on who walks in..."


"And the landlords might do that on purpose to fuck with us.


Maybe I should pick something that's a reference to being reasonable and fortunate, if the cosmic forces decide to demonstrate that is non-distinguishing then we'll have two not-messed-up mes on hand."


"Wouldn't that be something. Unfortunately I cannot call you Lucky because this is a thing people name dogs where I'm from..."


"'Lohtion' means 'thriving', 'Eldatúro' means 'victorious', 'Entulëon' would be 'resurrection', 'Ambartur' means 'ruler of the world'..."


"I do speak Quenya," Cam reminds him. "...with a twenty-year-old child's vocabulary plus what I picked up, but still. None of those are grabbing me though..."


"Right but our conversations don't default to sounding like Quenya to you, do they? I suppose I could go by Nelyafinwë, I'd be the only one of us to do that, but there's a reason I'm very sure none of my alts would do that..."


"When you speak Quenya I hear Quenya, when you start telling me what Quenya words mean I hear you lapsing bizarrely into English, the translation effect is very user friendly. Why wouldn't your alts do that?"


"It's a bit of a long story. So my father's childhood was kind of a nightmare - his mother had bad postpartum depression, she limped through it for eight Years and it didn't lift and eventually she killed herself and left a note asking them not to try to resurrect her. Well, the King tried, and Mandos agreed, and she killed herself again when he was ten and my grandfather sort of fell apart with grief and my father was sort of raised by the court and not very effectively. And then, when he was fifteen, the King of the Vanyar invited my grandfather for a rehabilitative stay with him in their summer palace and rather threw his sister at my grandfather - she'd apparently secretly been in love with him for a century -"


"...okay, I was seventeen when my mom remarried but that's different..."


"Elf fifteen is, like, human six or seven. Anyway, my father was upset about the remarriage and clashed pretty badly with his new stepmother and he ended up turning off osanwë and not talking, at all, to anyone, for the next several years, during which he got a younger sister and then a younger brother. When his younger brother was born he ran away from home."


"How efficaciously?"


"I'm sure they could have found him if they'd tried, but they didn't and didn't see him again until twenty years later."




"When he walked into the palace, married, and invited his father to meet his grandson, who was five weeks old."


"That being you. You know, it's fairly impressive you managed not to fall into the 'drama' failure mode with that auspicious beginning."


"Oh, it gets worse. So the Eldar name children at six weeks, in a formal public ceremony called the Essecarmë. Royal ones were attended by everyone within a hundred miles, back before they were televised. My father tearfully reconciles with his and asks him to announce an essecarmë in a week, and he greets his half-siblings - my aunts Findis and Lalwen, my uncles Nolofinwë and Arafinwë - and is perfectly lovely to them, and then a week later in front of a hundred thousand people he announces my name. 

Nelyafinwë, so third-finwë, so the-products-of-my-father's-remarriage-are-illegitimate-and-let's-settle-the-succession-right-now - my uncle Nolofinwë burst into tears in front of everyone -"


"I can see why you might not want to adopt this for everyday use."


"My earliest memories are of knowing my name hurt people and trying to think of a way around it."




"It was probably, in hindsight, all to the best...I was knee high and acutely aware of all the things my father was doing to make people dislike him and not listen to him, and how he'd in turn write them off, and I pieced together how to stop it from happening - be cute and innocent and present with the right comments, distract people at the right moments, feed my father things to say when I could do it subtly enough - Nolofinwë later told me he'd never been sure if the name was a curse or a prophecy -"


"...a prophecy?"


"It's a superstition, or a social psychology effect if you like - people like to say that you have a flash of insight on the name to give your child and then the name's prophetic. It sort of fits for most of us but on the other hand there's no plausible mechanism and it's easy to overfit..."


"Maybe it works by magic in the magic Ardas and you're piggybacking off their name choices, which of course eerily match."



"...that could be and is really weird if so."

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