Oh, it's simple, really. Jilia is the radical noble, with a couple young ones like the Condesa of Halmyris who are sort of radical in the way of young people who don't know better, don't see the point in tradition, and want to change things. There are liberals like Chelam and Lestdemarc who internalized the lessons of Axis or Andoran, mostly in alliance with the ones from Molthune who are largely liberal but primarily military. There are conservatives who and think this is all Galtan nonsense and we should reinstate the old traditions and go home, if not reinstate a nearly-absolute monarch. And there are Menadorans and other holdovers who just want to show allegiance to the new values of the Crown and ideally also escape Hell, who don't really know which of those factions to ally with but are mostly assuming it's the liberals.
None of them have a radical-but-also-vengeance-heavy agenda so you won't like any of them, Victòria, but the two who are your more natural allies each have someone in this room telling you this is the best we get.
But since that was all in response to a thought she didn't express and also not something Jilia would say where minutes are being taken:
"The definitions look good. I think we might manage to allow libraries to take visitors to view but not loan without registration but I want your thoughts before we change it, Tallandria."