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Professor Coeliaris arrived early, and has taken a seat up front. She's written up all the votes that passed in the magic committee, and is ready for a floor vote. Probably nothing else important is going on today. 

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The main entrances to the building have some clerks and scribes...


...waiting nearby, not trying to stop anyone but watching for someone. They're...


...trying their best not to look threatening, but this is Cheliax, they're not really expecting it to work.


Korva arrives at the convention really quite early. It's not that she has a reason to, exactly. She's just full of nervous energy and doesn't want to miss anything, and it seems like the kind of day when there might be a lot of things to miss. She is on the lookout for - Ardiaca? Is that his name? - not because she wants to see him but because she'd like to avoid him, at least until she's inside the convention hall and there are people, and his options for destroying her may be at all limited, at least for long enough for her to determine whether he's, like, upset with her about her total failure to prevent diabolism committee meltdown.


"Delegate Tallandria!", calls a man near the door, hustling to catch up to her side, "You're needed on the Rights Committee as early as possible. The Archduchess has called an emergency early session."


She had wanted to talk to Korva first thing in the morning, but it looks like someone else had the same idea.  Should she risk interrupting… is that an elected or sortition delegate?  No, it’s a servant which means a noble wants to talk to her.  She’ll try to find a place to unobtrusively hover so she can talk to Korva when the noble(s?) are done with her.



Well that went really horribly the last time, but Rights is a much better committee than Diabolism and the Archduchess is hopefully way less likely to inspire a bunch of riots! It will in any case not go better if she's not there. 

"Uh, of course."


(Quim is not a servant; he is staff. Admittedly this isn't all that different from being a senior servant, but he is a skilled professional and proud of it.)

"Thank you. It's meeting the same place as the last time, but I can escort you there."


She knows where it is and doesn't especially want to either impose or be walked anywhere, but she's not sure whether that's rude, so she'll just go along and be escorted. And remember halfway through this process to be suspicious and on guard about whether this actually has anything to do with the Archduchess or if this is a random person lying. Not that she'll particularly telegraph it.


He does have a symbol of House Bainilus on his coat, but that's probably not even illegal to fake at the moment. Anyway, he'll lead her to where she's expecting without any incident.



She waits for some time in a hallway to intercept Korva on her way back once whatever meeting she has finishes, but it apparently runs right into the start of the open floor, so Thea has to give up on waiting and take her seat with the religious delegates.


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