blai in the cthulhu mythos
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"I've never heard of that person!"


"It's probably a coincidence, then. Is there a neighboring country I can go to where clerics are legal?"


"A couple of countries have a whitelist of specific deities? In America-- this country-- it goes state-by-state. I don't think Iomedae is whitelisted anywhere, but in most of the Midwest you can worship Yig and there are a bunch of states where you can worship Father Dagon and Mother Hydra."


"I don't know those. Is there a process for getting Iomedae whitelisted, if She's just not known here?"


"Whitelisted gods generally have a millennia-long track record of being basically fine? Yig turns people into snakes. Father Dagon and Mother Hydra protect a nonhuman species called Deep Ones. Bast protects cats. Nodens is legal basically everywhere, he does liminal spaces and dreams and the wilderness and he really hates Nyarlathotep."

Caiden has a small Nodens altar at home. Most people on the Mythos force do, never mind what the brass thinks.


"Iomedae isn't even millennia old, She ascended less than one thousand years ago and did not have a dramatically improved lifespan as a human. And if she isn't known here anything I could tell you about Her track record would be, well, filtered through me as a single source of information if you don't want to count the book separately, unless you want to take suggestions of places to scry on my planet."


"Well, does she want to destroy the world or drive humanity extinct or end civilization or parasitize people in any sense literal or metaphorical or devour children or anything like that?"


"No, it's just that I can't imagine your process is willing to take my word for that if you don't already know things like that Iomedae's people aren't allowed to lie or that she's Lawful Good."


"It's evidence. Bet you a bottle of whiskey the high priest is in the other interrogation room telling everyone that humanity is as nothing in the sight of the Great Old Ones and he lives only to hasten their eternal reign."


"...keep your whiskey, but, in that case, Iomedae is Lawful Good, was a paladin in life, opposes the Evil gods and their works on the Material plane, and has written more about her teachings and mortal adventures in the book you put in the half invisible bag."


"You keep saying Lawful Good. We don't have that concept."


"- oh. Uh, there are two alignment axes, Law versus Chaos and Good versus Evil, Neutrality is possible on either axis, both people and gods can be any of the resulting nine alignments. The words 'law' and 'good' seem to exist approximately commonsensically in English though even in the languages of my planet there's some equivocation between formal and broad senses of each."


"This is a... metaphysical classification or a cultural one?"


"Metaphysical; on sufficiently powerful people the alignments can be detected by magic and they affect what afterlife you go to."


...there's something weird about this. 

"--sorry, should have followed up on this earlier. You're from another planet? Are you human or wearing a disguise?"


"I'm a human. Clerics don't really get disguise magic. My planet is called Golarion and while I cannot be certain that this isn't some farflung corner of it, it really doesn't look like it."


"It's not Golarion, we have communication between all parts of the planet inhabited by humans and none of them have clerics of Iomedae. --Sorry, something's funny about all this. How often can you cast?"


"I get four different zeroth-circle spells per day and can cast them as many times as I want, and five single-use first-circle spells, four at second, and two at third, selection sharply limited for one of each of those but the other slots anything a cleric can cast."


"Right. And you can do it every day? People who cast every day don't get-- weird? I can give examples of weirdness if that's too vague."


"I can do it every day. Also I have an imperfect version of a zeroth-circle wizard spell which I can also cast whenever I want. People who cast every day don't get weird. - high circle casters are often somewhat weird but they are usually on inspection people who were always weird, it's a filtering effect on who becomes high circle and to a lesser extent a result of the adventuring career necessary to earn those circles. Third is not relevantly high circle. Under normal circumstances I cast spells upwards of a hundred times per day but that is a little unusual, there is a particular orison I'm very fond of" and NOT CASTING EVEN THOUGH HE REALLY WANTS TO "and perform at little provocation."


"Casters here get-- maybe ten small spells a day at most, unless they're very powerful. Sometimes only one spell, if it's a big spell. They can push past that but then wounds start opening up on their skin, and if they go too far they die. And-- no one can cast hundreds of spells a day without being much, much, much stranger than you are. Even sorcerers who are basically fine are much, much, much stranger than you are."


"...well, that doesn't sound like any of the kinds of casters we have on Golarion and in particular does not sound like the kind I am."


"What's the orison you cast all the time?"


"It's called Guidance. It just makes the subject slightly better at the next thing they do in the next minute. I cast one before I started reading prayers to the cultists so it does work on this planet."


"...that seems important if you're on a new planet."

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