blai in the cthulhu mythos
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Doesn't notice it at all, he's holding the barf bag and watching the scenery and occasionally moving the barf bag closer to his face before deciding it was a false alarm this time.


Yeah, that's what he expected.

Caiden heads to the offices of the Boston Police Department, chats with a few people, and manages to get Select one of the nicer interrogation rooms.


Blai will sit in this room and not cast any spells even though he really wants to.


Then he will have to put up with a stream of people saying things to him in various languages, some in person, some by video chat. Mostly they're spoken languages but they dug up users of multiple sign languages, human and nonhuman.


They have flat crystal balls here, that's neat.

He doesn't know any of these languages and is starting to become very consternated at the possibility that he will pray for some Comprehend and Share Languages in the morning and then still not be able to convey that he would like to cast them.


And when this person says words he doesn't understand, something happens!


Blai understands magic. This is no magic he has ever experienced.

The entire fabric of the universe has turned, for one instant, to concentrate all its attention on Blai. Stars and planets still for the briefest of instants. He knows everything. He can number the atoms in every drop of water in his body; he knows the songs the galaxies sing to each other. 

Then a wave washes through his mind and removes all the omniscience except the ability to speak English.


- he's gonna throw up again if that's okay with everybody!


Here's a bucket. That's actually in the top 50% of responses to that particular spell.



He doesn't immediately have anything to say - or, rather, he has a lot of thoughts, and could theoretically say some of them, but none are clearing his threshold for Things It Is Worth Saying. He's not going to say "are you personally the herald of Nethys". Or "you could have waited till tomorrow morning". Or "can I cast Guidance for no reason every minute or two please". Or "are my summoners okay", or "this is lasting kind of a long time for a summon and Planar Allies can go home when they feel done but I don't know how", or "do any of you know who the Black Pharaoh is". Or "sorry about the food, I knew that wasn't a good idea but couldn't speak at the time".

- okay he's got something. "Can I have water - or permission to make it -"


Glass of water! "Please don't do magic in here, the wards will scream."


Sip. Calming down. Probably they have questions. He has no agenda with which to preempt those questions, so he can just wait for them to be asked.


"Hello! I'm Caiden Callahan, lieutenant in the Boston Police Department's Mythos Division. What do you understand about what happened to you?"


He leaves until Select Blai Artigas is oriented, like he's been told to, but he's grumpy about it 


He's met enough Asmodias not to blink at the name; all it tells him is that the Drunk is worshiped here by people including this man's parents. "I... was summoned or possibly called, by a group of people who did not actually explain in so many words what they wanted from me but seemed to possibly be in search of religious instruction and seemed to be satisfied with my reading some prayers to them. They had some kind of translation-telepathy effect but it only worked for them; I understood only because they did that we were shortly afterwards being arrested. Uh... if this is your standard translation spell I can prepare my own in the morning if that's acceptable in some rooms that have different wards?"


"The language spell is permanent, you just know English now. You were summoned by cultists of Nyarlathotep. Do you know who Nyarlathotep is?"

Someone this casual about using magic is definitely a sorcerer. Annoying. Caiden hates sorcerers, which is why he gets all his spells cast by ponies* even though it's more expensive and less flexible. 

* Short for "one-trick pony." Caster without Mythos exposure disorder; typically knows few spells and can cast only once per few months, with long vacations in between.


"No, I don't recognize the name. They called me several things, and I told them that actually I serve Iomedae the Inheritor who is Lawful and therefore cannot reasonably be called a Chaotic entity crawling or otherwise, and they seemed willing to take that in stride but I really don't understand what was going on there. Are they all right? I think they surrendered only because I did and it would be a - tragedy if in my confusion I caused them to think that would be wise when actually it was against their interests -"


"They're going to go to trial and almost certainly be found guilty. Then they might be imprisoned and might be offered the choice of volunteering for experimental Mythos exposure disorder treatment or being executed. I don't know if that's all right from your perspective but I prefer it to the usual shootout."


"- I don't know enough to confidently say it was definitely a wrong to them based on that information. Worshiping Nyarlathotep is illegal here? What other gods are illegal?"


"If worshipping a God results in replicable and verifiable magical powers, it's illegal."



"I'm a cleric. Is there a neighboring country I can go to where being a cleric is legal?"


"...explain to me what a cleric is."


"A cleric is an empowered servant of a god with whom they are aligned, in my case Iomedae, the Lawful Good goddess of victory over evil; She gives me my spells. - I'd really rather you didn't take the holy symbol but if you just didn't recognize it it's not appropriate for me to conceal its nature from you, it's this," he points at without touching his necklace, of the little dagger with the carefully worked gold wire twisted around it into a sun, "I'm not casting any spells with it and I don't intend to, I did understand that, but you've already taken my holy book -"


"Sorry, no offense intended, books are just inherently a very suspicious kind of object. We didn't know if it was a King in Yellow, or something worse. I don't want to take your holy symbol as long as you promise not to do magic with it and it won't like drive people mad if they look at it."


"It's never done that before or so far as I'm aware even in rumor. - are you not named after Cayden Cailean or is the mandated atheism a relatively recent phenomenon?"

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