Somebody portalsnaked to Hex, like, decades ago
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Fine. Then we'll do this every night until you can beat me and if it takes longer than two weeks we'll bother Loki for the thinking-faster song and bother Vanda Nossëo for everything else they've got in that vein and by the time you have all your Aly dreams back my father will have sleep unnecessary and you can barrel ahead towards full health at double speed. 


I love you.


I love you too. Just, no giving me any 'we can take our time on this' on my issues while getting all impatient with yours.


You're not as impatient as I am!


So it's very bizarre for you to be telling me to take my time!


I'm not impatient with you. I just - there were at least a dozen times in the game where I knew I should have been coming up with more and - didn't, it wasn't there -


So we play again tomorrow. Did Loki come up with them all or is that only a partial solution, I'd also be happy to look over notes with you and see if there's anything I can fill in -


Loki came up with some of them, and some that I don't think I would've necessarily managed if I were - working right - but not all of them - and I don't even know if I'm even identifying the gaps correctly -


Once I'm sure this isn't a hallucination I can just hand you a line to my private thoughts, if that seems likely to help any.


With my brain being used to being told it's not wanted?


At noticing gaps. Eru, I'm sorry, we should have kept you in Lórien, should have thought about this as a potential risk -

Permalink would Lórien have helped?


Well, it'd require daily resets but we could have had your brain running all the time -


That sounds worse.


If you think so.


I wouldn't have known what was going on, Aydanci would have fallen apart because he can't lie for shit, being able to play Governor decently is a symptom but not sufficient proof that I needed measures that drastic.


Okay. Love you. Tomorrow?


You're on.


Assuming that Loki does not get called away to fix something with her fantastic cosmic powers.


Loki is in fact unavailable the next day but Bella visits. "I hear good things about this game."


He explains how it works. "Now we have to figure out some way you and Kib can pass notes, or have you got all Loki's sorcery?"


"I have it, although she's got a lot more practice with the less immediately obvious applications. I'll manage."


"Lovely! And we need to pick a setting! Since both Kib and I believe this might be a malicious hallucination intended to elicit our reactions to things for either the use or the entertainment of the Enemy, we've been trying for setting conditions that are sufficiently bizarre nothing of strategic value could be gleaned from them. Highly unusual avenues to influence people, strange magic systems, etcetera..."


"Do you have something lined up for today or are you soliciting suggestions?"


"I don't think it'd take me too long to come up with something but I was in fact soliciting suggestions."

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