Somebody portalsnaked to Hex, like, decades ago
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"So far none of the kids are old enough to have bound familiars and they'll have to be apprised of the risks before they do. Having a spirit animal doesn't cause the vulnerability. Of course, there's no way to get the spirit animal back if it's never bound, yet, either, so, yeah, it's kind of a big deal."


"When'd you bind yours?"


"I was seven. He promised he would be very soft once he was corporeal and he was right."


"Elves'll probably have to be older than seven."


"Yeah. If their spirit animals fade at the same rate as humans' ones do they'll have a pretty narrow window to bind in before they lose idiolect but after they have the capacity to decide; we're hoping it scales with development instead."


"Eidetic memory necklaces do anything about idiolect fading?"


"Don't know, for some reason all the people we've handed them out to so far happen to be the kind of people who bound their familiars! I should loan my dad mine and find out."


"We are very excited to get those here."


"Especially if they can cover my and Aydanci's first incarnations."


"Well, those are Valar-proof, right, so I'm not sure what to expect there, but maybe."


"How much of Aly do you even have left, Kib?"


"I don't know exactly... it's been a long time since I got something without knowing what happened before and after though. It wouldn't stun me if I ran out of dreams this week."


"Aydanci's presumably got a lot more, longer life and a later start on remembering it."


"Yeah, by a long shot. Takes about three times as long to dream through a period of time as to live it. I'd be done by now if it weren't for the - irregularities."




And then Kib can at least know his memories are whole, which Maitimo can never know; but Maitimo can determine that he's at least in the custody of someone with the power to grant free will, and Kib can't verify that. 


Iobel goes home (taking a few extra desserts with her).


"I suppose I should be glad I'm going as fast as I am considering originally the plan was to be stuck that way."


"Yeah. And also you really do under-credit yourself, you are thinking clearly, making inferences about the evil Arda, learning about new technology..."


"Well, sure, if we want to rate me objectively."


"I am on the record as saying you're objectively the best person in the world."


"I don't want to sit around passively having accomplished something like nearly a century ago that gets me that title."


"I know. 


But it's okay if Findekáno and Aydanci do the heavy lifting on the lifesaving for a little bit, while we get ourselves back together."


"Yeah. A little bit. Just. I wish I were having a vacation on purpose."


"Do you want one? Loki recommended Findekáno and I some honeymoon spots, I bet she'd be happy to pay for the same for you two..."


"Not what I meant."

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