Somebody portalsnaked to Hex, like, decades ago
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"Did your world have the prophecies -"


"...I'm not sure I ever interacted with a prophecy except Thuringwethil telling me a couple things about her prophesied death."


"Melkor shared some with Kib. To see what he'd do with them, I think. They were about me."


"I didn't interact with any about Maedhros."


"I didn't even know that prophecies were supposed to be a thing until after my war. Pretty sure we derail fate without even trying."


"Apparently in Ardas where no one with free will is dropped on the place to shake things up I murder hundreds of thousands of people for unclear reasons."


"...well. One can imagine various scenarios."


"Maybe somebody had a Silmaril."


"...might do it. I assume in a world with no servantmakers my father couldn't just make more of them?" He bounces the memory of the sack of the cave city. "Is that Doriath? I've never been -"


"Yup, that's Doriath. Your Fëanor can just make more Silmarils?"


"Out of shines from the light of the Sun and the Moon. Lots of them."


"I take it all the other ones had it finished before the Darkening?"




"I wonder if it was a case of 'I have a way to kill the Enemy and just need this Silmaril and have decided it's worth it to go to war for the Silmaril' or 'I have no such thing but swore an oath and am now completely stuck'. In the prophecy."


"Couldn't tell you. The oath was... pretty sticky."


"It's a good thing I had Kib to make me far too sensible for that."


"Bells: useful!"


"Maedhros thought so too. He was jealous, because I got a boy."


"I have been known to disguise myself as a boy but the need didn't come up while I was in Arda and also I didn't want to touch male Elves capable of accidental marriage. Plus I guessed wrong about what I would look like were I a boy."


"Also, if you met him after -"


"Yeah, I met him if you can even call it that when I turned him into a bird to get him off a wall. Didn't even know who I had."


"He likes the wall. Stable background conditions for the hallucinations, contributes to the aesthetic of the place. A bird? And I thought being rescued by my boyfriend who was totally the sort of person to attempt rescuing me, using capabilities I knew we had, was unrealistic."


"Well, I landed with a handful of things I could do, one of which was turn people into birds, which spell I designed so I could fly but which also got people off walls. I didn't know at the time that there was a particular reason to optimize for plausibility!"


"You're just lucky you didn't get Kib! It is not obvious that the correct hypothesis about what was up with him would have come up, or that you'd have known what to do about him without knowing he was an alternate universe you. Though humans are too fragile to hang by one hand from cliff faces."

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