In Love's name and for Love's sake, I assert that I will employ the Art which is its gift in Love's service alone, rejecting all other usages.
I will spread joy and ease pain. I will fight to preserve what loves and rejoices well in its own way, and I will change no object or creature unless its joy and love, or that of the system of which it is part, are threatened.
To these ends, in the practice of my Art, I will put aside despair for hope, and hatred for love, when it is right to do so-- Until Universe's end.
He frowns at the camera. "Stop," he tells her. "I don't really fancy having an audience," he says, pointing at it.
The girl has a pained expression. "Excuse me." She leaves and returns. "The camera is off now, sir." The camera's blinking light has been turned off.
She asks for his address, notes it down, and then leaves.
If Oliver calls another Uber he can make some progress on Sex Drive and earn a second nectar.
...he's kinda not in the mood, actually. He'll call an Uber but not respond to advances.
"Do it in the bathroom, please. Take off all your clothes and jewelry, then walk to my room."
He rolls over to the bathroom, closes its door, then rolls over to his room, closes its door, then grabs a piece of paper and writes: "Do you have any bugs or other form of surveillance on you?"
He breathes out then grabs his bedsheet and throws it towards her, then covers his face with both hands. "You can cover yourself, if you like. Jesus fuck that place is horrible. You can sit, if you like. Or, not, up to you. God fucking damnit."
"I'm not roleplaying, I just—I'm sorry. I don't wanna have sex with you," no matter how hot and pretty she is, he's getting a boner that he does not want, "I want to burn that place to the ground."
"Look, I know you're one of his spies and you're here to test my loyalty. I'm not going to try to escape. He has my papers. You can tell Coil that and skip all this acting, it's humiliating."
"Oh my God of course that fucker has spies—how do I—look, I'm not a spy, I'm a cripple who saw you in the lift earlier today and found out about that horrid place and—how do I even prove that to you," he says, running his hand through his hair. He looks down and mutters to himself, hoping it's too low for her to hear: "Maybe I have a spell that'll help, manual, spells?"
Failing to convince Amanda of a true yet highly implausible fact has unlocked the spell Just Follow the Fucking Rabbit!
Manual // Spells
Wizard's Body: Lvl MAX
Wizard's Mind: Lvl MAX
Wizard's World: Lvl MAX
Masturbate: Lvl 1
Determination: Lvl 1
Calling an Uber: Lvl 1
The Nectar: Lvl 1
Just Follow the Fucking Rabbit: Lvl 1
Oh right that nectar spell he'd forgotten. But this new one looks useful.
"Manual, spells, just follow the fucking rabbit?"
Manual // Spells // Just Follow the Fucking RabbitAmanda is looking at him like he's a crazy person.
Just Follow the Fucking Rabbit: Lvl 1. Active. DOM / Special.
Convince one other person of one very implausible fact which happens to be true. This spell cannot cause someone to act contrary to their interests or desires, but it can convince them that the event is not hallucinatory, that the police will listen to them, or that it's fine not to use protection this time. Costs DOM equal to twice the WIZ corresponding to the minimum improbability threshold for the event, divided by the Lvl of the skill.
Dressing as a sexy bunny reduces the cost of this skill by 50%.
...he hopes he has enough DOM. He must have, right, from that thing in the car?
"Okay, just follow the fucking rabbit for a moment, here. I'm not working for Coil."