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"The Trees generally make people require less sleep, though," Fëanor says. "Are our days the same length as yours?"


"I think they may be longer? I'm not sure. I should make a clock, I'll have to guess on how long a second is but it'd be better than nothing."


"Our days are longer and our years have five and a half times as many days," he says thoughtfully.


"I'd be more surprised if you'd managed to land on the same length days and years without a sun. I'm actually sort of surprised you have anything describable as days and years without a sun."


"No, I was just realizing how young you die. A person of a hundred of your years would be seventeen of ours, if the days are the same length. Seventeen and dead."


"...I acknowledge that this is a problem but we do seem to grow up faster."

"I wonder if that's related to the dying? If we died on the same - scale relative to the rate we age at - I'm not even sure anyone but the oldest people would yet have noticed. We don't. We live as long as the world. But we age much slower."

"Father," Maitimo says, "it is halfway through the night. You will still have him in the morning."

"None of you actually look a day past mid-twenties if I try to parse you as though you were humans," Kib mentions, but he gets up and heads doorward.


"Well, we're a lot younger than many of our people. We come of age at fifty - you look about the equivalent of fifty - stop aging at a hundred. My father is 241 of our years old. I'd be curious if people who are a few thousand of our years old look older to you."


"It's definitely not proportionate if you come of age at fifty and he's nearly five times that age. But I can look at some older people. Rumor has it it takes a really long time for Elves to start growing facial hair?"


"It does. A thousand of our years."


"That's not proportionate either."


"Nah, I have to shave."


"...if you don't want facial hair, why not not grow it?"


"My guide asked me the same question when we were hunting up a razor for me but this is not in fact a power I have! It grows whether I invite it to or not!"


"That sounds alarming. I am glad that a razor was acquired. Is that why your face sometimes looks vaguely furry?"


"...Yes. Maybe I should shave more often."


"I don't mind it! It's rather fascinating. I just hadn't realized that it wasn't on purpose."


"It is not a deliberate aesthetic decision, no."


"I could make my hair stop growing if I wanted to. I could make a cut stop bleeding, too, and I don't grow my fingernails because I like their current length. I take it humans do not get to do that sort of thing."


"Cuts stop bleeding eventually but not because of acts of will, and I have to get haircuts because I can't just make it stay put, same with my nails."


"Huh. Am I delaying you unacceptably from the haircut golem with my desire for a book-copier?"


"Nah. Even if I did that first it'd take long enough that I'd have to trim it myself with mirrors anyway."


"Alright." And they wind their way back into the palace. "I apologize for taking you away from my father, he'd happily tear through this for four sleepless days but I take it you're not going to die on us so fast that that's necessary."

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