"My father has seven sons. You have met me and Tyelcormo and Curufinwë; Macalaurë is the one who you ought to hear sing, and who will be induced to sing for you the minute he hears that you were impressed by my singing; Carnistir's around here somewhere and I could go drag him out and ask him to be sociable but otherwise he won't be bothered to; and the twins are still children."
"Which means they're, what, twice my age? And then some because the years are different? What about your other parent, you do have two, right? ...what's a twin?"
"Ambarussa are around thirty, yes. Twins are two people who are born to the same parent at the same time and look the same. At least, my brothers look the same, not all twins do. My mother would be reluctant to be dragged away from this world, though she might come if she did not trust me to look after everybody."
"...That sounds really crowded," Kib remarks. "Twice as crowded as one at a time, even. You're the designated looker-afterer?"
"It doesn't make sense to run the country off 'the King asks for things needed to build the roads' so everyone's supposed to contribute a certain amount of their effort and talent to public works things every year, unless they have a good reason not to. That is one of the things money would be very suited to but I can't think how to introduce it."
"You can make it known that these pretty trinkets are worth so much of the Crown's time and can be redeemed with us at will and traded among one another, but our time is a very limited resource and there's not enough of it to be the backbone of a money system. And I haven't thought of a better idea yet."
"Yeah, and only one of me, and until more people know how to program, pets are the only transferable servants that don't take forever to make..."
"Maybe some kind of game with a prize? Most trinkets gets - some scarce desirable thing."