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'Chelledad helps Nova and Zevran
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"Not gonna get me disagreeing," 'Chelle says flicking onto that channel and shuffling herself down in her chair, legs thrown over one arm, and one arm tucked behind her head.


Nova's happy to lean against Zev's side snuggled up with him.


Lan wanders in five minutes in. "Oooh, lemurs, excellent."

He crosses behind the sofa, tousles Zev's hair, and floomps down on the floor in front of 'Chelle. "Dad chased me out of the kitchen for trying to scour his frying pan."


"You're playing with fire, mussing my hair like that," Zev says, grinning. 

Zev swaps hands so he can tuck an arm around Nova again. He liked the way they were cuddled up on the bed. He would not mind repeating it.


Nova shifts obligingly, more than willing to curl up like that.


"You stole my favourite jumper," Lan sounds anything but upset. "And don't get me wrong, it looks fabulous on you. But that still requires some payback."


'Chelle's playful shush would put a librarian to shame. "Lemurs," she says mock sternly, pointing at the TV.


"Jumpers, of course, famously known for being difficult to remove."

Nova curls into his side and he loses most functional thought. He noses into Nova's hair, wrapping himself as tightly as he can around him. He then makes sure the blanket is tucked in snugly around them both.


'Chelle meanwhile has thwapped Lan gently on the head with a cushion.


Lan giggles, steals it off her and tucks it behind his back, leaning his head back on the chair where 'Chelle can run her fingers through his hair.

(...Is he purring at her touch?)


Aaren comes in at that point carrying a tray of steaming mugs. "Tea all around," he declares, but leaves it on the coffee table, taking a mug back to the other seat, rather than distributing them.


Lan strains one arm before making a pathetic sound as he can't get it to reach far enough to grab a mug without moving his head away from 'Chelle's petting.


Zev laughs. "Are you some sort of overgrown cat?" he says to Lan, though does not blame him. He feels a lot like purring himself. 

He does not like tea much himself, but looks to Nova, before reaching to get a cup for him.


"'Chelle's fingers are just magic," Lan argues. Yelps a little when the pets turn to a poke, and grumbles as he leans forward to pick up to mugs, passing one up to 'Chelle.


Nova will shift with Zev, trying not to pull too far away, and will happily accept a mug, wrapping one hand around it.


Aaren doesn't bother hiding his surely dumb smile as he watches the four teens. (He wishes it was easier to snap subtle pictures, because Ange would want to see this for sure.)


"I didn't say it was a bad thing. I happen to like cats. Very much."

Zev wraps a hand over Nova's, enjoying the warmth from his hands and the mug. 


"Cats are good," Lan agrees, and then falls silent, tilting his head to give 'Chelle easier access.


Zev falls quiet too, content for the first time in a long while. He rests his head on Nova's, tucking his feet under his body, and lets himself actually relax.


The evening continues peacefully, with only a mild bicker between Lan and 'Chelle about what they're going to watch next when the lemurs end. They find something equally adorable, but it takes a good five minutes of argument about whether lizards or monkeys are cuter.


Zev had meant to just curl up on Nova, nuzzle into his neck and maybe go to sleep, but he finds himself sitting upright, enraptured by the look in Nova's eyes. He looks utterly entranced by the documentary, and Zev would not dare look away for a second.


And yeah, he's utterly enthralled, barely remembering the tea in his hand - although it doesn't seem to stop steaming.


Aaren doesn't really want to call and end to tonight, but it's getting late, and Nova and Zev clearly still need more sleep.

"I think it might be time for all of us to head to bed," he suggests, stretching.


It’s not a bad idea. He and Nova have had sporadic naps, but getting to have an actual unbroken night of sleep would be good. 

“Perhaps we can watch more in the morning?” He says to Nova, wanting to see that light in his eyes. Then he realises what he said. He doesn’t take it back, but he feels...uncomfortable. 

He glances at the backpack. 


"There's always more documentaries," 'Chelle agrees cheerfully.

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