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'Chelledad helps Nova and Zevran
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He manages to make himself reach out, fingers brushing very slightly against Zev's leg.


Zev starts, and looks up. He can see exactly what Nova needs; what he needs. He hates himself for needed it so badly from someone who shouldn't have to force himself to.

"Come here," he says softly, shifting closer to envelope Nova in a hug, tucking his face into his shoulder.


He goes easily, tucking in against Zev, not quite happily, but as close to as he knows how.


He holds him as tightly as he can allow, one hand gently creeping up to hold the back of Nova's neck.

"Te amo," he says into Nova's shoulder, trying not to cry at the sheer hopelessness he feels. He wants to tell Nova, but he knows if he does, Nova will feel indebted. And he can't allow that. He just...he wants Nova to know that there is someone who loves him unconditionally, that does not expect anything from him. Wants, absolutely, but if all Nova could offer him were smiles, Zev would take them happily. Greedily.


He doesn't have a response to that, doesn't know how to tell Zev everything he feels. (Knows Zev doesn't think he knows, and doesn't want to tell Zev he does, because he doesn't want Zev to hurt him, and That always did, and if he told Zev he felt the same...Zev would want that, wouldn't he?) Instead, he stays curled against Zev, clinging slightly to him, hoping this will be enough.


It's both. It's enough and not enough; the highest pleasure and the sweetest torture. 


Well, they're probably going to be like this for a little while, because Nova isn't pulling away.


Zev tucks himself in a bit closer, wondering the logistics of just clinging onto Nova like an overgrown limpet for all of time. 

He has no plans to move away either. 


They're left alone for a few hours before they can hear the front door opening, and footsteps up the stairs.

There's a knock at the door. "Just to let you know I'm back," 'Chelle calls through. "My mate Lan's here as well if you want to come say hi."


Zev had relocated to Nova's side, curled up around as much of him as he thought was okay. He had been just quietly enjoying being held. 

"Mff?" He questioned at the knock. "'Chelle?" He said a little louder.


"Yeah, just me. Feel free to stay put, was just letting you know I was home. Dad says dinner's in half an hour either way."


Nova tucks himself a little tighter against Zev.


Well. Looks like they’re staying for dinner. Zev finds himself not minding that particular decision. 

“I’m afraid there is not much that would make me leave this bed before then, ‘Chelle!”

It is mostly meant to be a joke, but when Nova tightens his hold on him, Zev finds himself to be far more truthful than he thought. “Unless you want to go?” He asks into Nova’s hair. 


Nova half-shrugs, half shakes his head. "M'fine here, f'you are?"


"That's fine! I'll come give you a chap about five minutes before?"


“I’m not so curious about new friends that I will give up my spot right here, mi vida.” Accompanies the words with a gentle nudge to Nova’s head.

“Thank you, ‘Chelle.”


"Anytime, käraste."


Twenty five minutes later, as promised, there's another chap on the door. "Come and get it before Lan proves he's a black hole!"


Zev acknowledges ‘Chelle’s call, and then starts the very unwelcome task of unwinding himself from Nova. 

“Let’s go get some food, Nova,” he coaxed gently, slowly taking his arm back. 


Nova hesitantly tangles their fingers together before he can withdraw completely.


“You’ve made my job much more pleasurable, as well as much harder,” Zev says, gazing at their joined hands fondly. 

He then awkwardly shifts over Nova (being careful not to touch him too much and also avoid the dog), before his feet hit the ground. 


Nova ducks his head, smiling, and shifts with Zev so they're both standing.


Esca jumps off the bed and waits between the bed and the door, looking back at them expectantly.


Zevran goes to follow the dog, pulling Nova along, but his eyes stop on the tray. 

It would be rude to assume other people should clean up after them, right? 

He squeezes Nova’s hand in apology, before letting go to pick the tray up. He offers his elbow in compensation, if Nova would like something to hold. 


Nova's hesitant, but hooks his hand into Zev's elbow.

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