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'Chelledad helps Nova and Zevran
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...Nova envies her the ease she can give Zev what he so obviously needs.


She gives a final squeeze and steps back. "I'm gonna leave you two be for now, huh? Feel free to lock the door. I'm heading out soon, so it'll just be Dad left probably."


He smiles, tipping his head back. "I don't believe I know that word." He hugs her back. "Gracias, amigo."

He steps back, seemingly a little lighter than before. "We'll get some rest. Nova especially," he says looking fondly at him.


"Good," she agrees, and slips out of the room, closing the door behind her.


His face falls almost the second 'Chelle leaves. He's quick to lock the door behind her, before facing Nova.

"Hungry?" he asks, even as he goes to the drawer. There's a large variety of shapes and colours. He's going to have to guess on what is in it from pictures on the packaging. "Do you feel like pink or green or brown?"


Nova shrugs, and just keeps stroking Esca's head.


He squints at a bar shaped package. He recognises, vaguely, some of the words, or at least knows what they allude to. "I think this one is chocolate. I'm not entirely certain though.' He grabs it and walks back over to Nova, but stops, seeing something in his face. He seems...distant. 

Zev hands him the bar, and sits at his feet, next to the dog. "You didn't do anything wrong," he tries to assure.


He takes the bar, but doesn't seem to know what to do with it, staring blankly at it, made doubly uncertain by Zev's sitting at his feet. "I- I know?" he doesn't sound at all certain of that.


Zev reaches up to take the bar back, long enough to strip the packaging back. He hands it back to Nova once he's done. He leans his head against Nova's knee. "You didn't. Do. Anything. Wrong." He doesn't mean just today. 

All of a sudden, sitting there feels wrong. He stands, climbs onto the bed behind Nova. He sits behind him, legs either side of him. He wraps his arms around Nova's chest, tugging him back towards him. His lips are close to his neck. "You. Did. Nothing. Wrong."


There's the briefest moment when the position is far too familiar, but-

But it's Zev. And it's- comfortable. He leans back against him. "As- as you say."

(He still isn't eating the bar.)


"Don't-" He can't hear that. He heard him say that so many times to- them. "Don't ever say that to me. I would rather you hate me."

Nova leans into him and he takes the chance to press his head into Nova's shoulder. It would be his lips, but he is so terrified of what that would mean for Nova that he doesn't. When he looks up, the bar is uneaten. "Nova. Please. Eat it." He pauses. "Would you like me to eat something too? Would that make it easier?"


"I- I- please? Please?" he shakes a little. "You need it." ('More than me,' goes unsaid, but Zev probably knows him well enough.)


He doesn't have to hear it said. He knows. He knows exactly what Nova means. He can picture exactly, months ago, Nova sitting apart from the rest of them in the compound. While Zevran...ate.

He swallows it down, everything that is threatening to come out. Tears, fury, demands that there is no way, no way, that Zevran is more important than Nova. He is all that matters.

"Okay," he finally says. He unwraps himself from Nova, already feeling cold from the lack of contact, and retrieves food for himself. He settles back next to Nova, ensuring they were pressed together. "Okay. I have mine. Now you have to eat yours." That would usually be delivered with a smile. 


Nova manages a small smile. At least now he knows Zev is eating. And that's important.

He nibbles at his own bar, hoping he'll eat the whole thing. He doesn't want to worry Zev more.


Zev doesn't even know the flavour that he chose. It tastes like cardboard to him, though he doesn't know if that's because that's how it tastes or because that's how he feels. He eats it though, if only to make sure Nova eats his. 


Nova manages to finish the bar, just, and goes back to petting Esca.


He...he doesn’t know what to do. He wants-

He wants-


Esca tries to climb into their laps, trying to give them both comfort.


Zev smiles at Esca, but directs him to snuggle on Nova more. 


Esca is fairly insistent on cuddling them both. And is large enough to do so.


Zev obediently pats the dog, though cats are his preference. 

His eyes don’t leave Nova. He wants to be better for him. 


About ten minutes later there's a low whistle from downstairs.


There is absolutely no reaction from the dog.


Nova looks like he might be going to drift off sat upright.


“Nova. Nova, here,” Zev moves away so Nova can lie down, though he keeps a hand on his leg. “Lie down.”

He looks at the dog. “You hanging around then?”

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