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'Chelledad helps Nova and Zevran
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“He gave it a very good effort.”


"I do apologise, for someone who is not a morning person, he's doing a surprisingly good job of being a morning person."


"In my defence, 'Chelle woke me up two hours ago to help her defend the NHS in an Internet argument."


"...Sparky, didn't we have an agreement about four a.m. internet arguments?"


"Only to do them when I don't have school the next day!"


Zev’s not really sure what they’re talking about, but the playful banter is amusing enough. 

He takes the moment they’re talking to grab seats for him and Nova around the table. 


'Chelle deposits a cup of tea and a cup of coffee in front of them. "Juice?" she offers. "We're running out, but have pineapple and orange? Me and Lan are going shopping today."


Zev cannot remember the last time he had juice. He's not even sure what pineapple would even taste like.

"Water is fine, thank you 'Chelle. Nova?"


Nova shrugs, not really having an opinion one way or the other. He's used to water.


'Chelle nods, and fetches a jug of water, putting it in the middle of the table with glasses.

"Help yourself."


"How did you sleep?" Aaren asks, handing Lan plates to bring to the table.


Zev smiles at Aaren. “Well, thank you.” 

He looks at Nova, his smile widening. “Probably best we’ve had for some time.”


Nova nods, smiling shyly.


"Good. Seeing as these two are going shopping, is there anything you two don't like, or can't eat for us to avoid getting?"


“We weren’t given the choice. Before. We ate what they gave us.” 

Zev moreso than Nova.


"...Is there anything you don't like?" Aaren repeats. "I like cooking, and avoiding things you don't like is really not a hardship. Or is there anything you like that you never really got?"


“...I wouldn’t know.” Zev tried to think, but a lot of the things Aaren has given them to eat were familiar. He’s not sure what else there is. 


"Okay. Anything I give you, tell me if you like it or not. Everyone should know their favourite foods. If anything makes you feel funny, especially your mouth or throat, stop eating it immediately."


"You're gonna overwhelm them, Dad."


“Testing for allergies,” Zev guesses. It’s not a bad idea, though he and Nova didn’t react badly to the food at the shelter. He hopes that means it’s not something to worry about. 

“We will tell you. Thank you, Aaren.” He means it. No one's taken care of them like him. 


"It's really no trouble. Besides. I like feeding new people. These two can be horrifyingly predictable and boring sometimes."


"Hey!" Lan complains, adding two more plates to the table as he sits down.


I would never describe you as predictable,” Zev says to Lan. 

He smiles gratefully at him and takes his and Nova’s food, placing one in front of Nova with an encouraging look.


"To be fair, we are actually predictable about or favourite meals," Lan admits. "But I have a reputation to maintain."


Nova starts eating, eyeing Zev to make sure he is eating as well.

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