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They aren't done at the end of the day, but they've made lots of progress.


And she can double-count all the writing she did do as teekay practice. "I'm going home," she says. "I'll see you tomorrow." And she slips her hand out of the necklace loop.


"Bye." He doesn't stop working.

She goes home.

She doesn't go to the palace first thing in the morning; she wants to get notes-from-her-plane written up and Fëanáro has a tendency to distract her. She shows up after lunch, having written what she thinks is probably a reasonable number of pages for the number of hours put in.

He is rubbing his eyes furiously while he works. "Think I might have something, didn't want to sleep until you came- didn't want to waste it -" and he hands her the necklace.


...She takes it. "What?"


"If we were both sleeping then no one's using the necklace!"


She puts it on. "Oh."


He relaxes. "Gonna sleep now. So I can test it later."


"The water blast?" she asks, wending towards his room in case he would care to be tucked in.


"Congratulations." Does he in fact want to be tucked in?


He does. He doesn't need any help falling asleep though.


Yeah, didn't look like it. Okay, if he has the water blast handled the rest of her day is going to working on message spells that don't depend on managing to get a crystal ball to the Outer Lands.


No one interrupts her; Fëanáro doesn't usually sleep through the whole day or whole night but he hasn't slept in a long time.


Oops. (She rearranges her schedule. The next day she is there right after breakfast.)


And he tests his water spell! It is very dramatic and unpleasant directly to the face but not forceful enough to actually hurt you, and it looks very very dramatic. He goes outside racing though Tirion to test it, and scours cobblestones and is generally happy.

That's good!

...Maybe when he's done playing with it she can ask if he apologized to his mother yet.

He hasn't. Seemed scary, and what if she hates him.


Bella is pretty sure she doesn't hate him and that apologizing will not make it more likely. And the last time he didn't want to apologize it was because the thing he said was true and this time he doesn't have that excuse.


He looks really miserable about it, though.

"What's wrong?"


"Admitting I'm bad is so awful, it feels like admitting I shouldn't exist. Even if it's just a little thing."


"You don't have to go say, 'I'm bad', or even, 'I was bad'. Just, 'that thing I said, it wasn't true, I just said it because I was upset, and I'm sorry'. Maybe throw in the mechanical loom if you maybe want to figure out how to do that but it's not essential."


"That would be pretty cool. It'd mean embroidery projects went faster."

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