"Okay, good, because I already told him some of it. He doesn't want it. He's scared, I don't understand why it would have happened in the first place."
"I don't know either. If it helps him - pieces of my fate take place in mortal kingdoms, many thousands of years from now, very far away, where books are still written in his letters and the sign of his house is still carved into the magic doors of thriving, happy kingdoms. I do not understand how it happened or what he did. But."
"Do you want to come back to Tirion until then or stay here?"
"You're welcome. Frustrated about the necklaces or something else?"
"With the Valar generally. The necklaces. How they treated you about the necklaces. The reembodied - I am so grateful our dead are back, of course, but these are the ones who died a thousand years ago and not traumatically, and they are not very well, and I don't know when or whether they're even going to try on everything else."
"Don't remember the halls, have tremendous difficulty readjusting to having bodies, very overwhelmed, very anxious, very lost, don't necessarily remember things well from before the halls either. The friend I told you about liked women, before, by Cuivienen, and now she doesn't and doesn't recall it well, and I know they're doing the best they can but it's really not good enough."
"I never heard of being dead turning somebody straight before. I know this is a different afterlife but that's... weird, the not remembering the afterlife itself is a more familiar afterlife feature..."
"I'd been sort of - I'd been assuming that Eldar just weren't ever - are you just not allowed -?"