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"They said they let me keep mine because I was the only distressed one but I think he's more distressed than me. I don't know if anyone else will miss them that much. I guess everybody else who had one is an adult and can move to Tol Eressëa if they want."


"He wasn't distressed before he learned of it, though. Or, not about that."


"...He was in a hurry to cram things into as little time as possible before. He didn't know what was stopping him. Then he found out."


He shakes his head. "I'm really afraid for him."


"Me too. I'm trying."


"I know you are. I appreciate it tremendously and want you to know that whatever resources I can provide are yours."


" - Thank you." If she can figure out how to tell Finwë what he is doing wrong as well as she can with Fëanáro that will be a major help.


He smiles at her and is called away by someone.


She goes back to Fëanáro and works. She can't think of a reason Valar wouldn't want crystal balls in Valinor. She can bring up Improved Coping Mechanisms and the loom when Fëanáro's not mid-work-fugue.


He finishes that evening. "I did all my things for the day! And without the necklace!"




"I'm going to leave Valinor for the Outer Lands as soon as I'm big enough."


"Don't take a boat." She offers him the necklace. "Your father says you really freaked out when your necklace broke. I knew it would upset you but it sounded very bad."

"I lost a whole day and then realized what'd happened and I thought maybe you'd left or been sent home and taken all the magic with you - I didn't have any mana to check - and I felt like my mom was dying all over again."


"Oh no. No, I'm still here." Hug. "But I heard you were banging your head on walls and screaming at people."


"I was. I was scared and hurting and they kept saying really unhelpful things and not going away when I asked."


She rocks. "Unhelpful things like what?"


"Like "Fëanáro you're scaring us" when I was scared and didn't know how to pretend I wasn't and "oh it's fine" when it's not and "we're not going to let you go out" when -"


"What would you have wanted them to say? Besides that they'd let you go out, that one's obvious."


"That sounds really scary and I bet you're really scared let's go figure out what's going on."


"Unfortunately," she said, "no one in the conversation decided to address somebody else being scared instead of themselves."


"I had a better reason to be scared."


"Their kid was running around in a panic hitting his head on things and screaming at people," she points out. "That sounds pretty frightening to me, enough that they might have trouble concentrating on whose reason was better. Did you tell them what you were scared about?"


"And they didn't think I could be gone...?"

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