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I can't think of problems I'd want to solve with killing people but they'd have to be really awful bad problems and being stronger would be good.


I think you were trying to steal their boats. It was in sort of disjointed fragments.


So flying solves that. If I can do things I need to do then even if the situation comes where it would be worth it to do something awful I won't have to because there'll be a better thing I can do.




I'm scared.


I'm scared too. So much hug.


I just shouldn't exist.


No. No, I'm so glad that you exist, please exist. Exist really really well. Prove the Valar were stupid to break your necklace.


But what if they weren't? If you hadn't existed, they'd be right!


But here I am and I invented the necklace in the first place!


I don't want to be horrible. I don't want to die. I really don't want to die after I made the Valar mad, what if they don't put me back?


She decides not to exacerbate the situation by saying that they, um, didn't. You haven't done any of the things they showed me yet. You have time to do completely different things.


Maybe. But I wouldn't do those things, even if you hadn't told me, and I don't know why I did!!


I don't know either. They didn't tell me. But even if you had some sort of really good reason for some of them you can still do better because you don't need boats if you can fly and stuff like that.


I really don't want to die.

Good. I don't want you to die either. I want you to live and write books and invent stuff and learn everything and explore everywhere. Snuggle.


I didn't do all the things I have to do today.


I can let you get back to it. We can figure out how to trade off the necklace in the morning.


Thank you.

You're welcome. And she kisses his forehead and hops off the roof.

She goes home and draws up a schedule.

She wears her watch to bed.

Rúmil knocks on her door in the morning.


She answers it. "Hi."


What's going on?


The Valar broke all the necklaces except mine. And showed me awful things about what Fëanáro's fated to do to explain why he couldn't have his unbroken too, but I have free will so I can probably fix it, I didn't have the nerve to ask them while they were all - Valary - at me why if they didn't like the look of fate they'd interrupt anything I was trying to do at all but they said they wouldn't break mine even if I shared it. So I loaned Fëanáro my necklace, we're going to have to work out how to share it around but I think I can do most of what I needed it for with aggressive scheduling without driving myself as spare as he would.

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