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Mostly staircases, some ladders. He sends mental images.


She will definitely have to go have a look at it in person one day.


She'll be welcome when she does! And it's probably a good time to head over to the show, no?




The show is very very beautiful. They got four nice seats together and have a lovely time. There are lots of people ducking in and out.


Bella stays for two and a half hours, and the music is lovely; then says a silent goodbye and leaves to go to bed.


Rúmil's friends leave town the following morning.


Bella works on stuff. She's quite good at teekay now, although not as good as she had expected to be at age thirty; she can at least braid her hair to Tirion standards with a couple mirrors and not use her hands, and she can get quite elaborate that way. She will borrow and then enchant necklaces for anybody who asks, and on days when she has none of those she works on testing other spellcraft. Soon she has a launderer. She works in a bit about that to her lecture the morning of, and then shows up and tells everyone who attends what she's been up to.


They are very deeply impressed with her. There are even more questions than last time.


This is, even with the necklace on, an excellent use of her time (she does not want to singlehandedly meet demand for launderers and antislide necklaces; everybody else should hurry up and learn to wizard.) She will answer all the questions there are.


And the questions continue over a very very long dinner.


Wow this is a longass dinner. As long as she can simultaneously talk wizardry (telepathy means never having to apologize for talking with your mouth full) that is okay. It is even efficient.


A few days after her talk she receives a request to travel to Taniquetil and speak with the Valar in the Máhanaxar.


Um. Okay.

She packs for a couple days; even flying won't shorten the trip that much. Debates going the long way so as to more easily bring somebody with borrowable better eyes, decides against. She lets Fëanáro she's going to be gone, and Rúmil. And she flies to Taniquetil.

All fourteen of them are gathered there.


"...Hello. I got your - invitation?"

Thank you very much for coming here to join us today, Isabella Mariel Swan.

Manwë is not speaking and not doing osanwë, at least not conventionally. The words are just being communicated. It's a bit alarming. And the presences of all of them at once is extremely distracting.


Yeah that's kind of alarming. She waits to see what they want with her.

When we last spoke, you told me that you desired to retreat to Tol Eressea because of your dislike for the pace of Valinor. We thought this was a wise compromise. We had some reservations about the solution you created, but desired for you to return to the people you care for and who care for you. We are very concerned with the free distribution of this enchantment. Most people in Valinor are happier with the current pace of days. Now that necklaces exist, they have to take them or fall behind, and we expect that eventually everyone will be wearing necklaces and less happy than they were before.


"I - I'm not expecting everybody to want them -"

Not want them. Feel that, unless they have them, they will be inevitably far behind their friends and peers, and take them despite not wanting them. If everyone wanted them there would be no problem.


"People can take them off whenever they want..."


Imagine that there were necklaces that granted a hundredfold speedup in perception over yours, and most people took them, and society was ordered around them. Would you be freely choosing whether to speed up perception, or would you be choosing whether to participate in society?


"I'd probably wear one of those a lot even if nobody else had them."


You are very unusual. Perhaps this was an inevitable complication of having a mortal in Valinor. Regardless. The necklaces no longer work, except for yours because you were the only person the time-slide caused any distress. Please do not try to design things that make the typical person less happy and which they'll have a hard time not using if everyone else has it.

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