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It is to the Great and Common Good that our Just Queen and her associates have freed our Great Nation from the clutches of Hell; and it is with great prudence that she seeks to dam the flow of souls into Hell to a Trickle, that the Great Enemy of all loyal Chelish subjects, ASMODEUS, may be unable to transform them into his own soldiers, with which to retake CHELIAX and crush it once more beneath his terrible Heel. 

And yet, the Queen has so much to do, in restoring our Nation from the warped and twisted effigy of itself that ASMODEUS hath made of it, that she has had little time to tend to the judiciary. The use of Final Blades does prevent the duly executed from being made servants of her Foe; and yet, in truth it is a compromise of Convenience and Expediency, which compromises the face of Justice Itself, for those entrapped within a Final Blade evade the Mortal Suffering that is their Just Due. 

This humble scribe proposes, then, the following: that, when a CHAOTIC EVIL wizard of appropriate circle be inevitably convicted of their numerous crimes, their execution may be deferred for some time, and the wizard granted a Spellbook with only a Single Spell contained within: that of Malediction. They may then cast this spell, or scribe scrolls of it or prepare wands, at the convenience of the state, to ensure that evildoers neither escape their Just Reward nor are suborned by HELL. At whatever time their service to the state may change their alignment from Chaotic to Neutral, they may then, at the state's discretion, be rewarded by the FINAL BLADE themselves, in recognition of their years of service. 

But why, you may ask, could a NEUTRAL EVIL wizard not also be employed by the state for this purpose? Why, because PHARASMA was at one time so greatly offended by the daemons of Abaddon, that now any soul which travels there is granted instead the choice of Hell or the Abyss, and of course one cannot trust Criminals to do the right thing by selecting the Abyss! 

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Wizards can't cast Malediction. But he's pretending to be a random fisherman who doesn't know such a thing, so.

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