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I mean, maybe they like that no one finds out and spoils their mystery? I agree with you, I'm just - trying to understand the mindset because I know not everyone feels like I do about it.


Reasonable. And yet you said science fantasy is popular, so lots of people must dream of it.


Sure. I actually didn't read that much of it. Felt - dangerous. But I read a little and some people are really into it and it's probably not all sheer cool factor.


Want to build a fire? We don't need it for heat but I alway start yearning for cooked things when I spend too long in Lórien, and I still find them reassuring deep down.


Sure. I could show you my fire spell if you like.


Yes, please!


What's usual to burn? I don't see a lot of fallen wood...


We can ask for some. I think it'd be nice if the trees figured out which branches aren't getting enough sunlight and won't stick around as the trees grow, and if they could spare any dropped those branches for us.


Giggle. How far exactly does one go before that stops working?


It doesn't tend to work if you don't sincerely think the forest would be a more peaceful and joyous place for you if it happened, and it can't do anything that requires intelligence - no reciting poetry.


I mean, you said that only works near the heart of Valinor or something like that?


Within each of the Valar's domains, and in a manner specific to that domain. So peace and joy here in Lórien, in Aulë's home I'd have better luck if I asked for things that'd help me learn and marvel.


How far's the edge of the domain?


Edge of the forest.


Have any trees dropped wood?

No. Oh, he says, I bet we can't do anything that could land on someone's heads or startle them. We'd be happier if the trees indicated which branches were safe to take, and we could climb up and get them?


Even with my boots I wouldn't feel safe climbing a tree. Maybe they could slowly bend down branches and let them go when we grab them.


A nearby tree does this.


She goes over and tugs on the branch.


And it comes loose in her hand.


Any other takers?


There's another tree, a short distance away! And then another one!

Branch branch branch -

Is this enough to cook with? I've never cooked over a campfire.

Should be. Can I see your fire magic now?

Mm-hm. Um, it will be very nice and peaceful and everything if the fire doesn't catch on anything else...

And she scoops the branches all into a pile and leans over it and makes a gesture and murmurs a word and holds her hand palm-down over the wood. Fire bursts forth and lights up the wood, which burns merrily.
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