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It'd depend. There's no guarantees about which mistakes I'm risking at any given moment, but trying that thing in particular would be more likely to get an emotional interference result - maybe you'd laugh when you didn't feel like laughing, at weird times - than a completely unrelated result like forgetting how to use adjectives.


Hmm. Okay. Maybe you could attach it to eating? I don't dread eating, I just find it tiresome.


Sure. And the happiness to accomplishing a task? Like when you were doodling letters, or if the coffee thing got you to the point of picking up embroidery again?


Yes. That'd be nice.


Okay. This will take at least ten minutes for the first step; you don't need to do anything but it will be easiest and safest if you're calm and not thinking about anything in particular. Let me know when you're ready.


Can I lie down? I don't think I'll nod off but it helps with being calm and not thinking about anything.


Yes, that doesn't make any difference.


So she lies down. Ready.

Hoo boy.

Okay. She knows this procedure, she knows the mechanics of it, the thing she hasn't studied is its application in a clinical setting but this one's almost textbook except for all the ways it isn't.

Here goes.

She finds her signpost.

She marks out a category of "eating", because that seems easier to delineate and easier to test right away.

And she draaaaags the affect over...

Should I be feeling anything in particular?

Not yet.

She passed her concentration exams with flying colors but when she is no longer in deep focus she will kick herself for not telling Miriel not to interrupt.

Draaaaaag. Put. Stitch stitch stitch. This category warrants this feeling. See how nicely she made it fit.

She watches, waiting to see if it'll stick.
It sticks fine.

Miriel is lying there quietly.
Bella opens her eyes.

Nothing bad happened this time, but I should have warned you that when I'm working and have my eyes closed it's not a good idea to interrupt me unless I actually catch fire.

I'm sorry.


It's okay, I have good concentration. It was my fault for not saying. She pulls a random fruit looking thing from her random plant assortment. Here, you can see how it worked, I did the eating one first.


She takes the fruit. Are you supposed to watch my emotions while I eat it?


I don't have to, you should be able to notice yourself if it helped, but I can, in case it didn't and it's something I can tweak.


She eats it. Uh, I'm okay. Nothing dramatic. What's it supposed to feel like?


It's supposed to feel like the same emotion in the dream, maybe a little less so.


I think I mostly ruined it because I felt so anxious about it working.


That's possible, although it still should have felt a little odd. Do you want to try again? She holds out a Random Leaf.


It did feel a little odd, I just don't know what the feeling was.


That's promising, then.


Okay. She eats the leaf. Yeah. odd.


In a good way?

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