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Okay. She gets out. Are there towels or anything?


It'd be nice if rolling around in the grass dried one off.


Bella laughs, and goes and rolls in the grass.


Everyone dries off. Afterwards they sit by the riverside and there's eating and singing. We can hear Miriel from here, Rúmil says, but we don't spend much time actually in her presence. It seemed wrong to just constantly camp at her side. If you recommend differently people would probably listen.


I don't have any input on that one - and I wouldn't, generally, unless she asked me to say something. You must have better ears than me on top of better eyes.


I haven't tried hearing through yours and so wouldn't have noticed.


I couldn't hear her from here unless she were yelling, really loudly. In this direction. Or causing something to explode.


If I concentrate I can hear her breathing. I might be able to hear someone yelling really loudly in this direction all the way from Tirion. Is causing something to explode a thing you know how to do?


Not as such, but I can set things on fire, and some things explode when they're on fire.


I've only heard explosions during the war, and thought them rather a Vala-level thing.


Wizards do it all the time. I'm not a real wizard, though.


You've said. Are real wizards common?


Sure. Wizards, or at least applied enchanters, make all kinds of things. Like my boots.


That seems like a thing people will be very enthusiastic about, if it works here. Not the boots specifically, we're generally graceful, but something in the vein.


I got a little spell to work earlier. If this were an unscience plane I'd be careful of assuming that means I can reinvent the entire field from cantrips, Arcane Defense, and Elementalism for Non-Majors, but...


Certainly nothing bad will happen if you try.


I think magical accidents are possible even if I don't manage to anger the universe, but yeah!


In that case maybe wait for the risky stuff until Mandos has bodies all sorted and ready to go, he says, amused, though I think he does, since they offered me a new one.


Well, they might have thought you wouldn't mind waiting. I'd mind waiting.


I would too. Fëanáro's young; it's not often that you get to see a child you're close to grow up, and missing even a year of that would grieve me greatly. And grieve him. There's not enough stability in his life.




Are you still interested in teaching him to write?


Yeah. I'm not really a teacher, even less than I am a therapist, but he's cute and he really wanted to learn it.


Then I'll suggest that you two still do the planned lessons. It'll mean a fair bit of travel for you - Fëanáro is currently not supposed to come to Lórien - but I think he would benefit from it.


That is kind of a lot of travel. Are horses the fastest thing?

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