I don't have any input on that one - and I wouldn't, generally, unless she asked me to say something. You must have better ears than me on top of better eyes.
I couldn't hear her from here unless she were yelling, really loudly. In this direction. Or causing something to explode.
Not as such, but I can set things on fire, and some things explode when they're on fire.
Sure. Wizards, or at least applied enchanters, make all kinds of things. Like my boots.
I got a little spell to work earlier. If this were an unscience plane I'd be careful of assuming that means I can reinvent the entire field from cantrips, Arcane Defense, and Elementalism for Non-Majors, but...
I think magical accidents are possible even if I don't manage to anger the universe, but yeah!
Well, they might have thought you wouldn't mind waiting. I'd mind waiting.
Yeah. I'm not really a teacher, even less than I am a therapist, but he's cute and he really wanted to learn it.
That is kind of a lot of travel. Are horses the fastest thing?