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"You inspired everyone in Pezzack to rise up and kill the Asmodeans."




"And you wanted to teach the lessons of Pezzack, lessons you are not going to specify for the sake of avoiding inciting the audience to murder, to the convention."




What does Valia mean by all this? Lluïsa has thoroughly memorized the speech, of course, but if there was a point so stirring it could move men to murder without the surrounding context it's beyond her. She understands it in gestalt as an Inflammatory Speech, the content of which matters less than the tone, and in specific, phrase by phrase, as elements of a legal analysis.


"And you were worried that this was illegal, and consulted your friends so they could read you the law so you could make an amateur legal analysis of whether it was illegal or not?"


(Valia's just really concerned about it being apparently much easier to get people to go do murders when this is a terrible idea than she'd previously imagined!)




She doesn't understand exactly what kind of Asmodean trickery with words the prosecutor is trying to pull to make it sound like Valia was trying to get people to commit murder, but it's clearly some kind of Asmodean trickery.


"What was your amateur legal analysis on whether your speech constituted incitement to murder?"


What the prosecutor means, on the other hand, is very clear. He means the Queen is Mephistopheles.

And, maybe she is, one can never be sure.


"Well, we weren't allowed to say that anyone should commit any crimes, which seemed like a sensible law, so I followed it."


"When you say in your speech, 'There will still be Evil, once all whose hearts are open have chosen the side of Good. But it will be outnumbered, and it will be cornered, and it will die by a thousand pitchforks and stones.', you did not believe that constituted proposing that anyone commit any crimes?"



...Valia is having some difficulty reconstructing what she was thinking, actually. It feels like it has been written over in her head four or five times, between the Iomedaen failure analysis and the interrogation and the conversation with the Archmage and the conversation with Lord Cansellarion and the conversation with Victòria. 

"...I'm not sure, sir."


"You're not sure if you were thinking that was legal?"


"I mean, I know I thought it was legal, because I wouldn't have given a speech I didn't think was legal, it's just that - after that a lot of things happened and a lot of people questioned me about this and now I know a lot more things and at least half of where I was terribly in error and I'm having trouble coming up with - the answer I'd have given the first time. I'm sorry."


"You thought it was legal, but you have no idea why you thought that."




"How about the part of the speech where you say, 

You should be afraid of the people of Cheliax. The people of Cheliax know what you did to them. They witness how you have prospered from it. The only thing that stays them from retaliation is the fear that they are, themselves, as guilty as you, and as damned. But they aren't, so your peace is a lie. If I were you I would repent while you still can. I would give up your lands and your titles and your slaves and your riches; I would cease to impede the functioning of this convention with your petty Evil dealings; I would go to the Worldwound where your victims cannot reach you. That is my advice.

But to everyone else my advice is, be unafraid."


Well, no objections if he recites potentially-illegal-to-recite things.


"That one I remember. I thought it was legal because it was not saying anyone should commit any crimes, just that eventually the people of Cheliax won't be afraid and will see their Evil rulers deposed, maybe legally, maybe by fighting them, maybe peacefully because the evil nobles would be clear I was importantly wrong, when I said that. I actually think that it is bad for people when they're afraid, and it makes them worse, and none of the things that I want will happen if the evil nobles are only scared enough."


"Just answer the questions, we do not need to hear about your new political opinions. You also reviewed your speech for whether it complied with the Queen's rules about pamphlets?"




"Because I meant to share it outside the convention hall."


"So you understood that, as it was not just a speech but a publication, it had to follow the rules for pamphlets, as well as the rules for speeches?"

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