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  • Carlota Chelam is the Ruler over Chelamland.
  • Carlota Chelam is exceedingly loyal to the Queen.
  • Carlota Chelam has never contemplated Treason against the Queen.
  • Carlota Chelam does not style herself Empress in Private when she thinks she is not overheard.
  • Carlota Chelam has never sought to hang on False Charges a poor victim of the Archmage's Sortition who refused to sell his vote to her.
  • Carlota Chelam is not the daughter of Élie Cotonnet. Were she, she would have the Healer Archmage Naimah for a mother; that she does not is plain from observing her Face.
  • Carlota Chelam has most assuredly never coupled with the Vile Geryon. Your own wily Dretch doubts that such a coupling is anatomically possible, and invites you not to imagine it.
  • Carlota Chelam has never used Arcane Wizardry to assume a more Vile and Fiendish form. For any purpose.
  • Carlota Chelam has never sought to have any Priest of Erecura, who is known far and wide as the Only Good Hellgoddess and Tragic Captive of Dispater, hanged as a favor to Geryon her Hellish Lover. For after all Geryon is certainly not her Hellish Lover!
  • Carlota Chelam has never torn out her hair in a Rage over a Pamphlet. Look upon her intact head of hair to confirm this.
  • Carlota Chelam assuredly does not wear a Wig. For even Chelamland has Wigmakers of Quality.
  • Carlota Chelam has never had all the Wigmakers of Chelamland hanged in a fit of rage.
  • Carlota Chelam has most assuredly never coupled with Tarbafon the Skeleton of Gebland. For after all he is a Skeleton.
  • Carlota Chelam has never once devised a means by which a Skeleton may lay with a Mortal.
  • Carlota Chelam is certainly no Succubus of the Abyss who can by Fell Abyss Magics lie with any man even if he be a Devil or Skeleton. After all I am a wily Dretch and would know one by sight.
  • Carlota Chelam is a good and wise Ruler over Chelamland and certainly would not propose to ban all Pamphlets in Westcrown the Queen's Capital. For though I am but a wily Dretch and have never seen a map, I am told reliably that Westcrown is not in Chelamland.
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"Some have raised to my attention that some of the most popular vile slanders in Westcrown in this day are of our person. I want to make a few things known, that you may do your duties without confusion. Firstly, of course, these are lies, and the Crown has been appealed to to prevent them, and has declined. Were you in the service of a diabolist it would be your solemn duty to denounce her, and so every slander of Chelam is a slander of you, as the servants of diabolists. I do believe that with this decision the Crown has condemned you - far more than I - to great danger, for it is not in fact the powerful who die when mobs are whipped up by madness, and if we do we are resurrected. I consider this a wrong you are being done by the Galtan laws under which Westcrown is presently being tested, and I regret this wrong, and work steadfastly against it.

Secondly. I have identified those persons who published both the original lie and this one which repeats it in pretended refutation. These persons have been identified so that I may warn you all against passing them any further information that will form the basis for vile slanders spread throughout our city; and I will consider it a very serious matter, if I learn that anyone shared anything with these slanderers. I have provided sketches, as well as addresses, that they not be misidentified. 

 But I want to be clear: I obey the Queen's laws, even where I believe them to endanger my person, my staff, and my country. I seek redress in petitioning the Queen, not in disobeying her. I command you all likewise not to disobey the Queen. If anyone does disobey the Queen, and I learn of it, I will not be any impediment to Her Majesty's justice and indeed will as I am obligated aid her in it, though certainly no man's family would ever be left bereft for his excessive zeal in my service. And I want to be even clearer that it would be abhorrent to me if any innocent people were to die of this nonsense, and that no man should ever imagine I would be grateful should these pamphleteer's homes burn, or families come to harm."


So, kill the lying slandering scum before they kill us, but don't be under the impression you won't hang if you get caught. Got it. 


She actually doesn't specifically prefer them dead! Fleeing the country would also be fine, but for the ports being closed, and abjectly apologizing after being beaten nearly to death would also be fine! But certainly, know that the lying slandering scum will only cease if they are afraid of you.


This particular laundry wizardess with more cleverness than sense is technically a Worldwound veteran but not the particularly frightening kind, more the "it's a miracle she survived" kind! She lives in a cramped apartment with two even less frightening women, one of whom has a six-year-old child who generally wanders the streets most of the day.


He'll stop by when she's not home and propose to the housemates that they kick her out, what with how she's gone around slandering important people as diabolists and one might think they're involved. And then he'll wait outside for her to come home and hopefully not be let in. 


"—you ridiculous idiots, have you forgotten who pays for the food, certainly not you most days, are you finally going to take up whoring, you'll certainly find no end of mouths to feed—"


"You make a lot of money off horrible diabolist lies? You know why, right? People buy them because they have fun imagining how the writer will die. It's the only blood sport left in the city. ...I told 'em not to let you in. As a favor to them."


"THE NOBLES ARE BACK TO FINISH THE JOB—" time to go out the nearest (third-story) window without a nobleman's guard in the way, which means shoving past these ungrateful morons—


Every woman in the city. It's probably some kind of plague. He served at the Worldwound and didn't barely survive it and will probably be faster than she is.


Calamity! I am Messily Slain!


"Oh no, oh no—"

"We don't even know her, sir—"


"Well, I don't know why she attacked me with a knife like that but it wasn't your fault." And he'll leave.


Terror! But also, terrified gossip! Only to friends and neighbors and acquaintances on the street and all their transitive friends-and-neighbors-and-acquaintances-on-the-street of course, no one's going to the Watch or anything...

"—some nobleman's guard, in all his finery, burst in and slaughtered her where she stood, we didn't even have time to blink—"






Weirdest thing, he just noticed he's Lawful Evil instead of Lawful Neutral, and of course doesn't want to die that way; would the Duchess, who he's had the honor of serving since she was appointed, be willing to have him reassigned to the Worldwound?


On his assurance he's not escaping the law, of course she'll arrange that.


He swears on his family name that the law is to the best of his knowledge not looking for him. 


Then she'll approve his reassignment.  


(On Carnal Relations with The Undying) This does Not Work. But Lady Eriape is Working on A Spell!


"That lady who gave me the Wily Dretches to sell, I heard a bunch of fancy noblemen from the Convention stabbed her right to death! Wish I were selling Badgers instead, those aren't ever gonna dry up."


"Didn't have money stored up, your reverence, but we thought, well, the Pharasmins know life and death, they'll take care of a body... you will, won't you?"

"...oh, some nobleman's guard, all fine and fancy, burst in with eyes all aflame, swinging wildly, I was terrified, you know, but she jumped right in front of his blade, not afraid at all, just like a paladin out of stories, your reverence, and he cut her down just like that, but I suppose the commotion put the fear of the Judge into him and he ran right off before he would have turned to us..."

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